Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM

Date Posted:12/23/2008 10:43 AMCopy HTML

Glossary of DMC Roleplaying Terms
Created by Skiecrow on December 22, 2004

Adapted from ‘Ski’s DMer’s and GFer’s Glossary’ created June 10, 2004

This glossary contains only the most random possible of terms. Ranking terms, (such as hierarchy denominations like ‘Alpha’ and ‘Omega’ and groupings such as ‘Takai’ can be found on the rankings page of the website, and in the guide to ranking in above post) and awards (such a ‘Daiquoi’) are not included.

Acron. = Acronym
Abbrv. = Abbreviation

App(s): abbrv. Application. Usually referring to a character application.
ASAP: acron. As Soon As Possible. “I’ll get it done ASAP.”
AG: acron. Avidgamers. Refers to www.avidgamers.com.
Anthro: abbrv. Anthropomorphic. Refers to creatures bearing both human and animal traits.
Autumn Wolf: A species of wolf with a pelt of melding autumn hues; that is tans, browns, golds, crimsons, scarlets, oranges, rusts, yellows, and sometimes pale green. Autumn wolves © douleur.
Avarien: A species of wolf possessing certain bird-like qualities, such as feathered wings, a bird-like fan tail over their wolf tail, and feathers in places such as behind the legs and ears or down the ridge of the back. Avariens are © me so don’t make an Avarien character without asking me.
Avatar: Refers to the picture, displayed beside every post of a certain person or character, associated with that person or character.
Barf: Generally meaning ‘how disgusting’. “I have to go with my parents to a conference on artificial production of wheat. Barf.”
Bic: acron. Back In Character. Used when switching out of out of character (ooc).
Bio: abbrv. Biography. Usually referring to the biography of a character.
Brb: acron. Be Right Back. “I need to answer the door, brb.”
Bleh: Used when bored or dissatisfied with posts. “Bleh, I really can’t string two words together tonight.”
Bone Dog: A species of wolf with a pelt ranging from gray to black with white markings which, in certain conditions, appear to make a skeletal pattern. Bone dogs are very closely linked to the gods. Bone dogs © NightWolf.
Brows: This does not refer to, as in humans, eyebrows. On a wolf this is referring to the pelt above the eye.
Btw: acron. By The Way. “A giant chicken is eating me, btw.”
Buddeh: ‘Buddy’.
Burd: Bird (or gryphon).
Bwawk: Expressing baffled excitement. Usually expressed in all capitals. “BWAWK! I have no idea what’s going on, but this is so amazing!”
Chara: abbrv. Character. Self explanatory, neh?
DA: acron. Deviantart. Refers to www.deviatart.com.
DM: acron. Dark Moon. Refers to The Dark Moon Eyries.
DMC: acron. Devil May Care. Our RP. Duh.
Femme: abbrv. Feminine or Female
Fiendy: Evil, demonic, LUCKY person. “You get to miss school today and I don’t, you little fiendy!”
Floof: Expressing a state of contented exhaustion and gratefulness. “Floof, glad my tests are over and I can post again.”
G2g: acron. Got To Go. Similarly – gtg: Got To Go.
GF: acron. Gutterflower.
GJ: acron. Greaterjournal. Refers to www.greaterjournal.com.
Glomp: Slightly exaggerated version of ‘huggle’. Sort of a flying, jumping, tackling version of ‘huggle’, in fact. May also use ‘flying tackle hug’. A less exaggerated version of ‘Tacklehugs’. Yes, we roleplayers take our hug denominations VERY seriously.
Godmode: To give your own character unsuitable or unbelievable power or cause natural events to run in their favor. This generally brings a disadvantage to other players and is frowned upon, so avoid it unless you’re a trusted member.
Grrrr: Expressing anger or irritation. “Grrrr, I can’t post properly until next week.”
Hackles: What rises when your annoyed. GRRRR!
Horseman: Refers not to men on horses but to one of the four spawn of the Apocalypse Moon pack, all of whom sew chaos in their wake. When a horseman comes to town, there goes the neighborhood. Current Horsemen are Eikana, Aopenthe, Dionysus and Ladrao.
Huggle: ‘Hug’. But the sacred ‘huggle’ is much more. The huggle is used when expressing fondness and thanks.
Ic: acron. In Character.
Ickle: Little and cute, sometimes used to describe ‘macho’ wolves in a derogatory manner.
IM: acron. Instant Message.
Jango Wolf: A species of wolf with a coat the color of dried blood and some sort of weapon protruding from the wolf itself. Originated near the active Jango volcano. They have large muscles and red eyes, and are highly intelligent. Jango wolves © Rago.
Keiritsu: An avatar ranking. This official is charged with the task of enforcing rules in DMC. If you post an application outside the Window, spam, post without submitting an application, use explicit language or otherwise do something stupid, a Keiritsu will pummel you into the ground. Current Keiritsu are OneOfManySouls and douleur.
Kieta: DMC word for ‘mate’. Awww.
Lj: acron. Livejournal. Refers to www.livejournal.com.
Lmao: acron. Laughing My Arse Off. “Lmao, that was so funny!”
Lol: acron. Laughing Out Loud.
Mandible: The upper or lower jaw of a wolf’s maw.
Mascu: abbrv. Masculine or Male.
Maw: A canine’s mouth part.
Meep: Used when concerned or otherwise disturbed. “I’m really worried about you. Meep…are you okay?”
Methinks: Generally used to mean, ‘I think so, but I’m not entirely sure. What do you think?’ as in “Methinks something is wrong.”
MOTM: acron. Member of the Month. If you can’t figure out what that means, believe me, you won’t ever be MOTM :P.
Muaha(hahahaha): Used when being particularly evil. Often used in all capitals when particularly evil. “I’m about to take over the world. MUAHAHAHAHA!”
Muzzle: Basically the same as ‘maw’; a wolf’s mouth.
Nares: The holes on wolves’ noses which they smell through. Well, how would you define it, eh?
Newbie: A new person. This can refer either to a new member of the guild or someone who is new to the concept of roleplaying. This can be abbreviated to ‘N00b’. However, ‘n00b’ and ‘newbie’ do not mean exactly the same thing. Newbie is used simply to mean someone new to the guild or to RPing, while ‘n00b’ is generally a somewhat derogatory term, referring to someone new who is irritating, not a good writer, uses too many abbreviations, asks stupid questions etc.
N00b: abbrv. Newbie, in a derogative sense. However, ‘n00b’ and ‘newbie’ cannot be used interchangeably.
Obsid: abbrv. Obsidian.
Omg: acron. Oh My God. “Omg, that’s amazing.”
Oni: An avatar ranking. This official is a moderator granted with powers of rank-assignment, post modification and deletion, and header and footer HTML access. In the words of Silver “Someone I would trust with my life, so don’t bother asking.” :P Current Oni is Skiecrow.
O.o: Generally used when confused, lost or subservient. “Okay, I’m really lost, whatever you say O.o”.
Ooc: acron. Out Of Character. Used when speaking from the RPer’s point of view rather than that of the character.
Pft: A ‘diss’ meaning ‘yeah, RIGHT’. “Pft, as if that would ever work.”
PM: acron. Private Message.
Poke: Used when insisting to another that they do something promptly, such as posting, finishing an art request, or sending some kind of reply. “You haven’t posted in three days. Don’t make me poke you.”
Post: One set of actions by a character, as written by its owner, and then submitted to the guild boards. Posts are usually a paragraph or two long and will contain the actions of one character per post. Oocs are also included in posts. This is VERY basic.
Pounce: Used in a similar way to ‘Tacklehugs’, though less extreme. One can ‘pounce’ when they are pleased with the way a plot is going, or the way a character is acting. “This plot is so cool! Thank you so much! *pounce*”.
Purdy: ‘Pretty’.
Powerplay: To roleplay another person’s character without their permission. In most guilds this is very much against the rules, but we’re pretty lenient about it, as long as it is done to advance the plot, and it doesn’t bring the character to any harm.
RP: acron. Roleplay. If you didn’t know this one, you shouldn’t be here.
Shadowwolf: A subspecies of the common grey caused by interbreeding and reproductive isolation of a monotone, charcoal black. Shadowwolves © douleur.
Snug(s): Sort of a hybrid between a hug and a cuddle.
Sorreh: ‘Sorry’.
Spam: To clutter up the guild board with useless posts. This can include the same post posted repeatedly, or a very short and un-worthwhile message that, nevertheless, requires its own space on the boards.
Squee: Expressing great joy or excitement, usually with oneself or a character. “I adore your new character! Squee!”
Stt: acron. Skipping Travel Time. Used to skip over needless description of in-roleplay traveling from place to place.
Tacklehugs: Used to express extreme joy, usually in congratulating another’s good fortune, or in welcoming back a member that has taken a short leave of absence. “You’re back! *tacklehugs*”.
Thwap: Used in scolding another for doing something irritating. “You’ve been bothering me about getting that request done all week. *thwap*”.
Time Jump: A section of time that is skipped over in order to advance the plot or avoid boring aspects of it. A time jump is often used for things like skipping from night to the next morning without having to RP sleeping, or to make newborns grow up more quickly so that they can be RPed effectively.
Tufts: Fluffy wolf ears :).
Whoot: Generally expressing congratulations, excitement for another’s good fortune, or thanks. “Whoot! That’s fantastic!”
Window: Refers to a space of time (usually about a week) during which new applicants may submit bios for their wolves. Applications may be submitted at NO other time than during this window or they will be deleted.
WoO: acron. Window of Opportunity. See 'Window'.
X.X: General meaning is ‘look at me, I am so very dead.’
Yush: ‘Yes’.

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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