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Date Posted:12/23/2008 11:19 AMCopy HTML

Main Entry: sulk

Part of Speech: verb

Definition:   pout

Synonyms:   be morose, be silent, brood, frown, gloom, glower, gripe, grouse, grump*, look sullen, lower, moon*, mump, nope, scowl, take on

Main Entry:   sanction
Part of Speech:   noun 1
Definition:   authorization
Synonyms:   OK, acquiescence, allowance, approbation, approval, assent, authority, backing, confirmation, consent, countenance, encouragement, endorsement, fiat, go-ahead*, green light*, leave, nod, permission, permit, ratification, recommendation, sufferance, support, word

Main Entry:   sign
Part of Speech:   noun 1
Definition:   indication
Synonyms:   assurance, augury, auspice, badge, beacon, bell, caution, clue, divination, evidence, flag, flash, foreboding, foreknowledge, foreshadowing, foretoken, forewarning, gesture, giveaway, harbinger, herald, high sign*, hint, light, manifestation, mark, nod, note, omen, portent, precursor, prediction, premonition, presage, presentiment, prognostic, proof, signal, suggestion, symbol, symptom, token, trace, vestige, warning, wave, whistle, wink

Main Entry:   signal
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   indication
Synonyms:   Mayday*, SOS*, alarm, alert, authorization, beacon, bleep, blinker, cue, flag, flare, gesture, go-ahead*, green light*, high sign*, indicator, mark, movement, nod, omen, sign, tocsin, token, wink

Main Entry:   signal
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   indicate
Synonyms:   beckon, communicate, flag, flash, gesticulate, gesture, motion, nod, semaphore, sign, signalize, warn, wave, wink

Main Entry:   signify
Part of Speech:   verb 1
Definition:   mean
Synonyms:   announce, bear, bespeak, betoken, carry, communicate, connote, convey, denote, disclose, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, flash, high sign, imply, import, indicate, insinuate, intend, intimate, manifest, matter, portend, proclaim, purport, represent, show, sign, spell, stand for, suggest, symbolize, talking, tell, the nod, wink

Main Entry:   sleep
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   dozing
Synonyms:   beddy-bye, blanket drill, bunk habit, catnap, coma, dormancy, down, doze, dream, dullness, few z's*, forty winks*, hibernation, lethargy, nap, nod, pad duty, repose, rest, sack time*, sandman*, shuteye*, siesta, slumber, slumberland*, snooze, torpidity, torpor, trance

Main Entry:   sleep
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   doze
Synonyms:   bed down*, bunk*, catnap, conk out*, crash*, doze, dream, drop off*, drowse, fall asleep, fall out*, flag, flake out, flop*, get horizontal, hibernate, kip, languish, nap, nod, nod off, oversleep, pad out, relax, repose, rest, retire, roll in, sack out*, sack up, saw logs, saw wood*, slumber, snooze, snore, turn in*, yawn, zonk out*, zzz*

Main Entry:   snooze
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   sleep
Synonyms:   catnap, doze, drop off, drowse, kip, nap, nod off*, siesta, slumber

Main Entry:   solution
Part of Speech:   noun 1
Definition:   answer
Synonyms:   band-aid, clarification, elucidation, explanation, explication, key, pay dirt*, quick fix*, resolution, result, solving, the call, the nod, the ticket*, unfolding, unraveling, unravelment

Main Entry: season

Part of Speech: verb 1

Definition: flavor

Synonyms: color, enliven, lace, leaven, pep, pepper, salt, spice, zest

Main Entry: sensational

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: startling

Synonyms: amazing, arresting, astounding, breathtaking, coarse, colored, conspicuous, dirty, dramatic, electrifying, emotional, exaggerated, excessive, exciting, extravagant, hair-raising, horrifying, juicy*, livid, lurid, marked, melodramatic, noticeable, off-color, outstanding, piquant, pointed, prominent, pungent, purple, raunchy, remarkable, revealing, rough, salient, salty, scandalous, sensationalistic, shocking, signal, spectacular, staggering, stimulating, sultry, tabloid*, thrilling, vulgar

Main Entry: sickly

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: not healthy

Synonyms: ailing, below par, bilious, cranky, delicate, diseased, down, dragging, faint, feeble, indisposed, infirm, lackluster, laid low, languid, low, mean, off-color*, pallid, peaked, peaky, pining, poorly, rocky, run down, seedy, sickish, unhealthy, wan, weak

Main Entry: slant

Part of Speech: verb 2

Definition: distort

Synonyms: aim, angle, bias, change, color, concentrate, direct, focus, influence, orient, point, prejudice, train, twist, warp, weight

Main Entry: smutty

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: obscene

Synonyms: bawdy, blue*, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, immoral, improper, indecent, indelicate, lewd, nasty, off-color, pornographic, prurient, racy, raunchy, raw, risqué, rough, salacious, salty, scatological, suggestive, vulgar

Main Entry: spice

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: flavor

Synonyms: aroma, color, excitement, fragrance, gusto, guts*, kick, pep, piquancy, relish, salt, savor, scent, seasoning, tang, zap*, zest, zip*

Notes: herbs are, technically, plants with aerial parts used for seasoning foods and a spice (also called seasoning) is any substance used for seasoning foods; many herbs are used as spices, but not all

Main Entry: spicy

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: vulgar

Synonyms: blue, breezy, broad, dirty, erotic, filthy, hot*, improper, indecorous, indelicate, off-color, purple, racy, red hot*, ribald, risqué, salty*, scandalous, sensational, shady, sophisticated, suggestive, titillating, unseemly, wicked

Main Entry: stain

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: dirt

Synonyms: bar sinister, black eye*, blemish, blot, blotch, blur, brand, color, discoloration, disgrace, dishonor, drip, dye, infamy, ink spot, mottle, odium, onus, reproach, shame, slur, smirch, smudge, spatter, speck, splotch, spot, stigma, tint

Main Entry: stain

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: dirty

Synonyms: animalize, bastardize, besmirch, bestialize, blacken, blemish, blot, brutalize, color, contaminate, corrupt, daub, debase, debauch, defile, demoralize, deprave, discolor, disgrace, dye, mark, pervert, smear, smudge, soil, spot, sully, taint, tar, tarnish, tinge, tint

Main Entry: stance

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: position

Synonyms: attitude, bearing, carriage, color, deportment, positure, posture, say so, slant, stand, standpoint, viewpoint

Main Entry: standard

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: flag

Synonyms: banderole, banner, bannerol, color, colors, emblem, figure, insignia, jack, pennant, streamer, symbol

Main Entry: suggestive

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: dirty

Synonyms: bawdy, blue*, broad, erotic, filthy, immodest, improper, indecent, indelicate, obscene, off- color, provocative, prurient, purple, racy, ribald, risqué, rude, salty, seductive, sexy, shady, smutty, spicy, tempting, titillating, unseemly, vulgar, wicked  

* = Informal or slang
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  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM


Date Posted:12/23/2008 11:19 AMCopy HTML

Main Entry: sable

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: ebony

Synonyms: black, dark, dusky, dusty, ebon, ebony, gloomy, inky, jet, jetty, murky, pitch-black, pitch-dark, raven, somber

Main Entry: scoundrel

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: bad person

Synonyms: bad egg*, bad news*, bastard, black sheep*, blackguard*, caitiff, cheat, creep, crook, dastard, good-for-nothing*, heel, imp, incorrigible, knave, lowlife*, maggot*, mischief-maker, miscreant, ne'er-do-well*, prick, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scalawag, scamp, sleazeball, slime bucket, thief, vagabond, villain, wretch

Main Entry: scowl

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: frown

Synonyms: bad eye, black look*, dirty look*, evil eye*, glower, grimace

Main Entry: sick

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: morbid

Synonyms: black, ghoulish, gross, macabre, morose, sadistic, sickly

Main Entry: sinister

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: nasty

Synonyms: adverse, apocalyptic, bad, baleful, baneful, black-hearted, corrupt, deleterious, dire, disastrous, dishonest, disquieting, doomful, evil, foreboding, harmful, hurtful, ill-boding, inauspicious, injurious, lowering, malefic, malevolent, malign, malignant, menacing, mischievous, obnoxious, ominous, pernicious, perverse, poisonous, portentous, threatening, unfavorable, unfortunate, unlucky, unpropitious, woeful

Main Entry: slander

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: damage

Synonyms: aspersion, backbiting*, backstabbing*, belittlement, black eye*, calumny, defamation, depreciation, detraction, dirt*, dirty linen*, disparagement, hit*, knock, libel, lie, misrepresentation, muckraking, mud*, mud-slinging*, obloquy, rap*, scandal, slam*, slime*, smear*, tale

Notes: 1. libel (from Latin libellus 'little book') must be published, while spoken defamatory remarks are slander; libel first meant 'document, written statement'

2. slander is spoken defamation; libel is written or visual or broadcast defamation

Main Entry: slur

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: insult

Synonyms: accusation, affront, animadversion, aspersion, bar sinister*, black eye*, blemish, blot, blur, brand, brickbat*, calumny, dirty dig*, discredit, disgrace, dump, expose, hit, innuendo, insinuation, knock, obloquy, odium, onus, put-down*, rap*, reflection, reproach, slam, smear*, stain, stigma, stricture, zinger*

Main Entry: smoky

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: hazy

Synonyms: begrimed, black, burning, caliginous, dingy, fumy, gray, grimy, messy, murky, reeking, silvery, smoke-colored, smoldering, sooty, thick, vaporous

Main Entry: somber

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: sad

Synonyms: black, bleak, blue*, caliginous, cloudy, dark, depressing, depressive, dim, dingy, dire, dismal, dispiriting, doleful, down, drab, dragged, dreary, dull, dusk, dusky, earnest, funereal, gloomy, grave, grim, hurting, joyless, lugubrious, melancholy, mournful, murky, no-nonsense, obscure, sad, sedate, sepulchral, serious, shadowy, shady, sober, solemn, sourpuss, staid, tenebrous, weighty

Main Entry: sorcery

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: witchcraft

Synonyms: abracadabra*, alchemy, bewitchment, black art, black magic, charm, conjuring, devilry, divination, enchantment, evil eye, hocus-pocus*, hoodoo*, incantation, jinx, magic, mumbo-jumbo*, necromancy, spell, thaumaturgy, voodoo, whammy, witchery, witching, wizardry

Main Entry: sordid

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: bad

Synonyms: abject, avaricious, base, black, calculated, corrupt, covetous, debauched, degenerate, degraded, despicable, dirty, disreputable, dowdy, filthy, foul, frowsy, grasping, grubby, ignoble, impure, low, low-down, mean, mercenary, miserable, miserly, nasty, niggardly, poor, scurvy, seedy, self-seeking, selfish, servile, shabby, shameful, slatternly, sleazy, slovenly, slum, slummy, small, small-minded, squalid, unclean, uncleanly, ungenerous, venal, vicious, vile, wretched

Main Entry: squalid

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: poor

Synonyms: abominable, base, black, broken-down, cruddy, crummy, decayed, despicable, dingy, dirty, disgusting, disheveled, fetid, filthy, foul, grimy, grubby, gruesome, horrible, horrid, ignoble, impure, low, low-down, mean, miry, moldy, muddy, musty, nasty, odorous, offensive, poverty-stricken, ramshackle, reeking, repellent, repulsive, run-down, scurvy, seedy, shabby, shoddy, sleazy, slimy, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, smutty, soiled, sordid, ugly, unclean, uncleanly, unkempt, vile, wretched

Main Entry: squelch

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: suppress

Synonyms: black out, censure, crush, extinguish, kibosh, kill, muffle, oppress, quelch, quench, repress, restrain, settle, shush, sit on, smother, squash, stifle, strangle, thwart

Main Entry: stain

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: dirt

Synonyms: bar sinister, black eye*, blemish, blot, blotch, blur, brand, color, discoloration, disgrace, dishonor, drip, dye, infamy, ink spot, mottle, odium, onus, reproach, shame, slur, smirch, smudge, spatter, speck, splotch, spot, stigma, tint

Main Entry: stifle

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: prevent

Synonyms: asphyxiate, black out, burke, button up, check, choke, choke back, clam up*, clamp down*, constipate, cork up, cover up, crack down*, curb, dry up*, extinguish, gag, hush, hush up, ice, jam up, kill*, muffle, muzzle, prevent, queer, repress, restrain, shut up, silence, sit on*, smother, spike, squash, squelch, stagnate, stop, strangle, stultify, suffocate, suppress, torpedo*, trammel

Main Entry: stigma

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: shame

Synonyms: bar sinister*, besmirchment, black eye, black mark*, blame, blemish, blot, brand, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, fleck, imputation, lost face*, mark, odium, onus, reproach, scar, slur, smudge, splotch, spot, stain, taint

Main Entry: storm

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: weather

Synonyms: August gale, big blow, black blizzard, blast, blizzard, blow, cloudburst, coming down, cyclone, disturbance, downpour, drift storm, gale, goose winter, gully washer, gust, heavy dew, heavy wet, hurricane, monsoon, nor'wester, precip*, robin storm, sheep storm, smelt storm, snowstorm, squall, tempest, tornado, twister, whirlwind, whiteout, windstorm

Main Entry: sullen

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: brooding

Synonyms: bad-tempered, bitchy, black, cheerless, churlish, crabbed*, crabby*, cross, cynical, dismal, dour, dull, fretful, frowning, gloomy, glowering, glum, gruff, grumpy*, heavy, hostile, ill-humored, inert, irritable, malevolent, malicious, malign, mean, moody, morose, obstinate, ornery*, peevish, perverse, pessimistic, petulant, pouting, pouty, querulous, saturnine, silent, somber, sour, sourpussed*, stubborn, sulking, sulky, surly, tenebrific, tenebrous, ugly, unsociable, upset, uptight*

Main Entry: swarthy

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: dark-complexioned

Synonyms: black, brown, brunet, dark, dark-hued, dark-skinned, darkish, dusky, exotic, swart, tan, tawny

* = Informal or slang

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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