Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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Date Posted:12/26/2008 11:21 PMCopy HTML

Role playing is not a foreign idea or concept. It is something anyone can do, from the tender age of 4 to the youthful age of 100. Most people don't understand that we all have rp'ed at least once in our lives. Whether it be playing cowboy and indians as a child, to being so wrapped up in our favorite book or movie character that we start image we are them or at least with them on this great adventure.

You see what we all must remember is that rp is just that Role Playing, playing out a character of our imagination/creation. Rping in a Chat room, or on a Community board is not as hard or impossible as many may think. All you really need to Rp anywhere is a good imagination, some basic knowledge of the era you are role playing and I always recommend a good dictionary/thesaurus.

The first thing I always tell anyone to do first before they start Role Playing anywhere is to learn about the place they are about to start rping in, Whether it be a forest, a castle, ocean or starship or even a bordello. Look around the community first, find out where most of the roleplay is set at, if it be a main hall, a garden or a dungeon. Then you must see how your character fits into this setting. For example it would not work very well to be roleplaying a 10th century Orc in a 25th century starship. That just would not work. 

Once you have established your character, the setting and time of the communty's rp, join in the fun. Though I would recommend that you visit this chat a few time to see how the rp is done in this particular realm, for everyone is different. Some like very descriptive posting, some might play a daily storyline that you will have to find out where you may enter into, others may have other things they ask for. So before making a loud noisy enterence into a realm chat for the first time and everyone laughing you out of the room, stop in and make sure that that is how it is done there.

Below you will find more helpful information about the different styles of Role Playing, as well as a few resource pages and some do's and don'ts. Please read over all as it is here to help, and have fun in your Role Playing.

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Re:How to Become a Better Role Player

Date Posted:12/26/2008 11:22 PMCopy HTML


Free Form Role Playing.

Part I

This elusive creature of Online Role playing the Free Former, the Gamer that uses no dice, the highest evolution in Role Playing, beyond Randomness to pure Story lines. You might have heard the term, or you might have seen it in Action. But this is an in depth look at it.

Role Playing a Fight Without Dice

There are generally two beliefs to this. Either it can't be done, or it is the only way to fight. I myself have Fought Free Form (which will be called FF. From here on in.) style, and I may tell you that it is the greatest fighting I have ever seen or done. Some say that this is impossible, because there is no randomness. But that is the point, the muns must throw *in* randomness, must make it more flowing. A Fighter could break a sword or slip in the mud, I have had characters nearly die because of a fluke, and yes, I have had Characters die in FF Fights. There are a Few Basic rules to Fighting without dice. These are known as the Golden Rules, because they are the most valuable and breaking of them will get you ignored by any true FF'er (Unless they are trying to teach it to you):

  • 1) You *never* call a hit, Ie. You never say what damage the attack does, nor where it hits. That is for the mun of the Character you are attacking to decide.
  • 2) Your character is not a God, do not make him suddenly stand from a blow to the head as if it hadn't happened. Accept hits and the penalties. When someone is stabbed in a lung it is incredibly hard to breath, don't do anything but wheeze when you move.
  • 3) Accept hits, your character is not invulnerable. Nor can avoid all blows, Unless it is a Master Teaching an apprentice, or a master fighting an apprentice there will always be a hit given at one point or another, even if it isn't that bad.
  • 4) Describe your attack, and the point where you *want* to hit, not the effects nor where it hits, just what you are attempting to do. Example : ::he thrusts forward with his sabre, to drive into his rib cage if it connects, while his secondary hand is slipped into his pouch to retrieve his blinding dust:: That Shows the Attack and sets up a SECOND attack for the next round.
  • 5) Use Common Sense, that is the biggest factor in Free Form Fighting, You can't pick up an inn and beat someone with it.
  • 6) You *Always* talk to the mun OOC in IM's to discuss the fight. Discuss a Characters past, and their histories. How much fighting they have done, and who they trained with To see who would win the fight *logically*

    Role Playing Natural abilities without Dice

    Role playing a Character with natural abilities is Tricky in Free Form role Playing, because there is no "limit" persay to the abilities other then that which the player puts on them. Which must be strict, or players might over use their abilities, or change their characters almost daily.

  • 1) Natural abilities must be explained, an Elf doesn't suddenly get an ability to throw a fire ball without a Story Line behind it. Just as a Dwarf can *not* use magic other then priestly, there must be Stories and a good reason for a character to be able to do something. A character can never just *do* something without training and/or inherited Talents.
  • 2) A character can not just *will* something powerful, there always must be focus, concenration, and/or ritual involved. Example : A drow can cause lights to shine in a persons eyes, but it takes Focus and they can't do anything *but* that.
  • 3) Do not use a Natural ability WITH another ability/Skill unless they are very similar. Example : A man climbing a mountain and uses a natural ability to leap farther distances. That is alright, and is not God Moding (The Violation of any of these rules. which makes the character "seem" like a God AKA slipping into God Mode) Example : A character throws a dagger, and shoots a bolt of flame after them. Not good unless the Character is *Specialized* in Fire abilities AKA Only has those abilities.
  • 4) Your character can't have *all* talents, you have to be realistic, if your character is a fighter, most likely he wont' be able to use magic unless he has studied both (and has the SL to back it up) and a Magic user most likely won't be able to pick up a sword and use it with skill. They focus in the Arcane, not the "violent barbaric" ways of the fighters.
  • 5) Vampires, Vampires have been over done in Rhy'Din, but if you still wish to play one, here are some ground rules.
  •       A) Vampires can not walk in sunlight.
  •       B) Vampires do not flash their fangs unless they are going to feed.
  •       C) Vampires do *not* go around telling people they are Vampires.
  •       D) Vampires can change into *three* forms. Mist, wolf, and Bat. No others
  •       E) Vampires Drink blood, bloodwine is like a snack before a meal, not an entire meal unto itself.
  • 6) Any Character trait or ability you pick you *stick* with, you can't just choose to change your character at any time without an SL to back it up. Example : I have Role Played with a Fellow who changed his Character from a WereWolf, to a Vampire, to a Dragon, then back to a WereWolf. No Story Line to back it up, this is what we call God Moding, or switching a character to Godly Status.
  • 7) When using an ability it Drains a person, some not that much, some alot. Either way, you must Role Play out this Drain that the character took, if not you are opening the gate for your Character to be able to do anything over and over again, which is not good Role Playing.
  • 8) Gods can give followers powers, followers of Eilistraee get Magic Missles if they are priestesses. Followers of Lugh get the ability of Fairy Fire, so on and so forth, all dealing if they are *priests* or Holy warriors, a fighter that prays to a Fighter god is not a priest of the Fighter god, but a Holy Warrior of the fighter god is.
  • 9) Gods give powers to the Devoted followers who have done much in their name, not a 19 year old kid, but a 40 year old Priest, so on and so forth, those that *are* 19 or so, will have had to have done an act of greatness (such as saving a village by sacrificing something of your own for a priest of healing, a priest of death could've aided the dying in a plague infested City. etc. etc.)
  • 10) Healing is a tricky ability, there are two schools of thought on it.
  •        A) The first school of thought is the "Empathic" healers, ones who heal Via taking the wound into themself and healing it, this causes great pain and a great drain in the user of this ability. Usually used by non-holy or ones who do not follow a god or goddess.
  •        B) The second school of thought is the "God(dess) Granted" Healers, ones who heal via gathering holy energy into themself and healing another person, which is drainning also due to the strain of bringing the "God(desse)s power through them" to heal another. Whatever you pick, it must drain the person, ressurecting is one of the most over used abilities in the game, and you must not fall into it. A ressurection would drain the healer to the point ot sickness, and comatose no matter who the deity or ability.

  • Using Common Sense.

    One of the biggest things I tell Players who come to me to teach them, is use common sense, Free Form Role playing can either be the simplist style of RP, or the hardest depending on the kind of common sense you have, or if you have any at all.

  • 1) Killing moves are banned, if a move would kill a character (Unless agreed upon OOC in an IM) then most likely it will be ignored. Thus, any attack to the spine/heart/throw/temples that would kill a character will be ignored or downplayed.
  • 2) A character might be able to cast magic & use a sword. *but* not at the same time, nor abilities. Both Magic/abilities take concentration, as does using a sword for any of you that actually have you know what I am saying. A Character might be able to tap an ability through a magical sword, but not their own without concentration, maybe a distracting attack, but nothing that would cause much damage.
  • 3) Melodrama, such as attempted suicides and/or rapes are usually ignored by Veteran Role Players, why do you ask? Because most likely they are ploys to get the attention of others and not true Role playing tactics. Use common sense and be very careful with these things, they are usually better off not being done at all due to the negative light it sheds on the mun who *decides* to RP out these very disgusting subjects.
  • 4) Strength of a Character is always an issue, a 4'5 woman will *never* be as strong as a 9ft Ogre, unless there are magical items (which are most likely and better off being stated in the profile and not suddenly "popped" into existance in room) If an Ogre is pushing a smaller woman or man, they will usually win.
  • Bansee Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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    Re:How to Become a Better Role Player

    Date Posted:12/26/2008 11:23 PMCopy HTML


     Free Form Role Playing.

    Part II 


    Character Looks/Appearance.

    We all have Characters, whom we have to describe, their appearance and their mannerisms, how they act, that is the basis of Role Playing, taking on a role that is fully "alive" if you will and acting out what they would do in certain situations with certain people. This area is devoted to A Characters Looks and/or appearance and the use of common sense with that.

    Perfection, and muscles, too much of a good thing. Now, we've all seen movies like Connan the barbarian, and Beast Master, where the leading role was Blonde, muscles like nobodies business, and killing machines. Pretty much perfect in all ways, right? This section is dedicated to "Perfection"

  • 1) Anyone who has Role Played for more then 2 years will notice an astounding change in how characters look. 2 years ago or so, Not all characters were above 6ft tall. There are Elves (Normal height of 5'7) who are 6ft tall, which is extremely poor Role Playing. (Unless the Elf is Athasian, which is a D&D Term.) Please be more realistic then having a perfect handsome/beautiful dashing character who wants to get laid all the time. We are here to Role Play out an entire world.
  • 2) Not all hero's are Perfect, Beowulf is a perfect example of a Hero not being perfect, or strong like a god. As Role Players of a more serious nature, Free Forming is about writing a Story with others to influence it, not about the continual breeding of a certain character (CyberSexFiends) nor the utter and total destruction of all people. (DiceModer) There are usually four to five classes of Role Players, those that Cyber constantly, those that fight constantly, those that cyber and fight constantly, those that mask Cyber in semi-good RP and then those who Write stories online. Yes, It does sound like I am being harsh, but if we look around Rhy'Din we will see what is happening and that this is true.
  • 3) Women are not all 5'10" with large breasts, beautiful features, smooth silky legs, long lashes, or pouty soft lips. There has to be *some* difference between women in a Role Playing realm, or else we won't be able to tell them apart IC. (Which is already happening in Rhy'Din) A Character doesn't see a Screen name, they see features of a person. (To be discussed later in "OOC and IC")

    Realism in a Character.

    Characters are people, Not all are hero's and more often then not in this Role Playing environment, they are Darker characters, so we must be realistic, this section is devoted to thoughts on Realism.

  • 1) Characters can not all be rich, Characters can not all be beautiful. Yes, this is fantasy, but it is also a Role Playing environment without much structure. We as players must use common sense, and thought to have fun with characters. Its not fun to have a "beautiful" character walk into a Tavern every other 4 minutes.
  • 2) A character that is set in medieval era's are not going to know about Guns, nor Cars, characters have to have limited knowledge, or they all become "Sages". Characters who have studied or do study often *can* learn more often, and learn more. But those that are fighters and warriors are less likely to know about philosophy and more likely to know about war strategy, as a mun you must remember this, and you yourself learn about what your character might know.
  • 3) The Average height for a human in the 13th century was 5'7 for a man and 5'4 for a woman, the Averge height now is 5'10 for a man 5'8 for a woman. Remember this before you make a character 6'5" and fall into the "little john" Syndrome, which is where your character is huge, and perfect in everyway, No human is perfect, just like no other "mortal" creature is, constructs of magic are made to be perfect.
  • 4) Dark or Evil? That is a question that many Ask, a Dark Character is not the same as an Evil character, in the same light that a Justice obsessed character is not the same as a Good Character. Dark is showing that they are either greedy, or lust for power, neither which are evil persay. They do things to gain something for themself, or for their cause, a no holds bars kind of character. While an Evil character wants to destroy, or to kill, maim, so on and so forth for no reason other then the thrill, and/or to serve a god.
  • 5) Chaotic good or Dark? Chaotic good is one who will go about any route to get their thoughts of good done, it might not actually be the good of the whole, but in their eyes it is good and thats what they do. while dark was explained earlier.
  • 6) Good and Saintly? Not all Good Characters are saints, Take Sir Lancelot from the Arthurian legends. He had an affair with Gwenyvere but yet, is still considered a good character. A good character is just that, a character who does not kill without reason, nor hurt, nor frighten. Someone who tries to make things better for the whole. While saints on the other hand do no wrong, ever. (and if they do its covered up good and tight)
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    Re:How to Become a Better Role Player

    Date Posted:12/26/2008 11:24 PMCopy HTML

    Free Form Role Play

    Part III


    Age and Time.

    We as muns must decide the age and how fast our characters age, it is a responsibility most don't even think about, when in fact it is one of the most crucial parts of Role Playing, how fast a Character grows old and dies. This Section is devoted to Age and how fast Time Passes.

    The Immortal Characters, To much of a god thing.

    Immortals and immortality are things even veteran Role Players are unsure how to Role Play as. Some Role Play Immortals as "innocents" or with a child like quaity, some Role Play them as a darker unhappy person. There are even immortal 7 year olds. It is unfortunate that players who have not had alot of experience take on these roles, because it is hard for new players to Role Play someone who has had eternity or has eternity ahead of them.

  • 1) Immortals are of four kinds:
  •       A) The Damned/Depressed immortal, the one who has "seen to much" and experienced it all. It is a difficult role to play due to the "emotions" portrayed. Often times, the Immortal will find something to brighten their life, and most likely lose it to time, but they are happy for a time.
  •        B) The new immortal, or fun loving immortal. Most "Immortals" of this sort are always doing something, playing jokes, or doing things that are "fun" that require alot of time to do. They are the ones bedding the women/men, Trying new things, because they have an "Eternity" To do it in.
  •        C) The Teacher or Guide immortal, one that has come to give "Mortals" the benifet of their "Knowledge" some are false messiah's of some sort, some are just plain insane.
  •        D) The Final and most common Immortal. The Immortal for dice in Rhy'Din, Dice are the number one reasona Character is immortal in Rhy'Din, not SL's, nor anything else like that. Just plain and simple OOC manipulation for Power IC.
  • 2) Immortals must be thought out very heavily, or you lose how special they are, in all stories Immortals are people who are either damned or ones who are large and/or key roles in the Story. Eternally 20? As many of us have seen, Almost all immortals are 20, or 19, and/or Vampires. Immortals, like Dragons and other mythical creatures come in all shapes, ages and sizes. This is devoted to thoughts on the "age" of immortals. 

  • 1) Immortals do not just pop out of thin air, usually immortals are granted immortality by some powerful force. (A Magical pond, a god, etc.) and are granted this "Gift" after doing a great service to a person or persons. Most Creatures are not born Immortal, or else they would never age. A common misconception are Dragons are immortal, when in fact they live to be the same age as Elves. 1200 at max.
  • 2) One of the only times a character could be born an immortal, is if they were a "Magical" construct, or golem of sorts. They aren't truely born, but they have a date of creation.
  • 3) one of the only creatures I know of to be totally immortal and to have children and growing up are Fairies. They grow to be 40 then stop aging all together until they die (Which has never been record IC wise)

    Age and Wisdom

    One of the hardest things to do is to play a Wise character, Why is that? Because the mun themself must be wise. A Person can not play a character that is wise unless they have experience giving advice in some field or another. One of the biggest hardships of long life/age in Role Playing is the fact that the Characters gain much wisdom and Knowledge and that is hard to Role Play out unless OOC there is something there. I, as a Role Playing -mun have seen many place "Ageless" Characters that had no wisdom, nor real instincts, they were like children, I give warning to those whom wish to Role Play ageless or aged characters. They are suppose to be wise and when a younger "Elder" Shows them up, the character loses respect.

  • 1) Age and Wisdom, You don't have to have an old character to have the character be wise, just have them have *Many* experiences, and alot of will power. Because a Character is old, does not mean they are wise, but beware, many times they will be, at least in one way or another.
  • 2) There are many "Elders" Of Role playing, people who have RP'd in Rhy'Din, and other AOL environments for over 5 years. (Myself included) But there are few who actually are people willing to teach, alot of the "Elders" Of Role Playing have fallen pray to the "Screw it and Join them" motto. Joinning up with the Guilds, and Dicers just because they were tired of not Role Playing, and I have seen *Many* role players lose skill, and alot lose that Edge of what Role playing used to be by doing this.
  • 3) When playing an IC leader of any sort, you also become an OOC leader, do not take the role of a "Guild" Or "Family" Leader without great thought, once you do this you will lose "Role Playing" Time and have to deal with alot of OOC problems as well. I've learned this from experience, any positiont hat shows "Wisdom" IC draws muns who also want wisdom OOC, and this is a big responsibility, do not take it lightly.

    Lineage, Kings and queens? Or peasants. One of the largest problems with Rhy'Din is the fact so many claim to be of power, or of royal lineage. how many would be kings and queens are in Rhy'Din? Or princesses and princes? That is a question that is answered simply. The same amount of Vampires. This section is devoted to Lineage and Role Playing hints on family.

  • 1) A king or queen is nothing without a Court, if as a mun, you wish to claim "Royal blood" Make a court, nobles, and knights, some lands, get muns together and make it a large Story line. A king has no royalty unless he owns lands, that is one of the biggest problems in most Medieval Role Playing Realms on AOL. Is the want to be "The Biggest and baddest Character
  • 2) Royalty is not common, from any realm. There is a Single family per kingdom/land, There are Dukes, duchesses, Knights, Lords and Ladies, but only one King or Queen. If you, OOC, wish to play a run away "Prince" or Princess. Remember this, If the kingdom doesn't exist, neither does its royalty.
  • 3) Peasants and common folk are often over looked, but I myself have played Characters that were of common stock that became something great, actions make the man, not lineage. In almost *all* my years of Role Playing, the best role players are the ones who play the simple characters, because the characters struggle through things, through living, becoming something. Its not given to them.
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    Re:How to Become a Better Role Player

    Date Posted:12/26/2008 11:27 PMCopy HTML

    Examples of Rp


    Free Form Role Play can vary from storyline to storyline. Everyone will be a bit different, so below are many examples of different types of free form rp's with different settings.

    Chat Room RPing

    Chat Room Rping

    This was a simple two person Rp, done right here at RPR.

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ Pokes an Aging head about the corner

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ noticing a slight movement out of the corner of her eye she looks up from her reading. "Good eve Sir."

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ chuckles softly as he moves from the corner, revealing his overly tall frame "Be it that late already?"

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ Casting her gaze out the nearby window she nods her head, "Aye, it looks to be that way. Though I have been here reading a very long time, I could be wrong."

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ leans upon his warstaff, carved from oak, long since abandoned for its original purpose now used only for support, as he makes his way towards the desk, cloven hooves padding loudly again the floor, "It seems then you have not changed much"

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ Absent mindedly she takes a strand of her now silver hair in hand as a pair of pure crystal eyes look at him once more, "Only as much as you have changed Artemis." A smile plays teasinly on her lips, causing her youthful face to glow with a friendly light

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ Chuckles and find himself a seat upon a rickety old stool by the desk,muttering about a lack of workmanshit these days, though he Smiles as it supports him, his face ages and weathered like stone, though it still hold the old warmth of his youth

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ typically speaks in his heavily accented voice, "And how you you this eve my dear?"

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ Her mind drifts for a moment as she thinks about the question before answering, "I am as I am suppost to be, And what of you old friend? It has been many a year since last I saw you. What news of life have you to share?"

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ muses a moment before he replies, "I am as well as an aging guardian can be, as for life... Not much have I seen save the remenants left after raptures, many laid where they were and dies rather than battle on, the tunnels through the realm's sanctums >c

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : are few and far between, it makes it hard to travel about... many find a place and stay there... secluded, it is hard to find a place to call home..

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : and passage now bares restrictions for I, I am not welcome in many places...

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : so I remain in my little grove,

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : the leaves and streams as company..

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ smiles a moment as he recalls the grove

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ "Those of the old ways are left behind as a new time dawn on the age of man and beast." Her eyes drift down to her hands as she speaks, "I too have left the worlds of mortal man to live in the etheral plains of my birth. I grew tired of the chaos that

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ : comes with the wake of man. I havent the heart to watch it any longer. I continue to keep the balance as I must in a place that I do not have to watch such vileness.

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : Ahh my dear you forget one thing.. Mortal Man was born with a chip on their shoulder and an urge in their loins... Nothing more... To them respect goes to those with the bigger stick... they know nothing of ethics nor comaradery, they would gladly kill c>

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : a brother for his wife...

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : Mankind is Chaos... you try your hardest to help.. but it means nothing if the man does not wish that help... it is best to let them be

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ chuckles loudly at his reasoning, "Yes yes my dear, I am turning Senile"

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ : Aye, What you say be very true. Though there was hope in man, and woman alike, but alas that hope has long left. So Now it is us that are left to keep the balance of Order with Chaos all the while keeping a blind eye as to the injustice of it all. Nay you

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ : are not the only one, for all the guardians are.

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ shakes her head a bit, causing a few loose strands of silver to fall in her face.

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : smiles softly, you shouldn't fret my dear...I think Chaos would bite off more than they could chew if it were to meddle in the affairs of men

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ laughs softly, "Very true."

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : So my dear.. what of yourself? It indeed has been some time since I have had time to 'catch up'

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ Taking in a deep breath she thinks for a moment then lets out a chuckle, "To tell all that has happened to me since last we spoke would take twice as long to explain as it took to happen. Let us just say I survived all my trials and stand now as I

    ¤ƒεгąℓ¤Мεηεℓdμг¤Ŋιgђ†¤ should be, and shall remain."

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ Chuckles "Well Said, On that note my dear I must be making my way home, I'd suggest my dear, that you retire yourself also.. the last thing needed is to sleep untill the afternoon is it not?"

    ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ Finds his way to his feet and leans once again upon his staff

     ǺŗţєmīşĘνēŗłıġħţ : Goodnight my dear

    IM/True Free Form RP

    IM/True Free Form Rp

    Many people Role Play In IM.. Instant Messanger... Its a great place to see some of the best and truest Free Form RP's.

    This Rp was unplanned, just happened rp, so its a rough start at first.. A true free formed is rarely planned.


    Tåurin§Ðegâr: hes bouncing off the walls right now chanting
               something about having to be out so he can see his baby or
    [14:59:33] Mistress Fer: shakes head~ He was starting to worry me..
               never thought it would get this far
    [15:00:28] Tåurin§Ðegâr: wait wait....umm miss youre going to have to
               excuse me it seems one of the crazys got lose and is
               reeking havoc within the asylum....!!
    [15:00:53] Mistress Fer: umm ok... am I safe alone out here?
    [15:01:21] Tåurin§Ðegâr: well the person is in there so youre probably
               safer out here than coming in there with me
    [15:01:44] Mistress Fer: ok... if you say so
    [15:01:58] Tåurin§Ðegâr: runs off into the asylum where there is
               yelling and screaming heard coming from within **
    [15:02:23] Mistress Fer: sits on a bench listening to the yelling~
    [15:03:49] Tåurin§Ðegâr: all of a sudden a person goes flying through
               a window hitting the ground hard but rolling back to his
               feet as a mass form of people in white coats coming running
               out the front door chasing after the person the person
               looks to be male with long hair yelling something about his
               baby or something trying to get away from the crazy people
               in white outfits **
    [15:04:45] Mistress Fer: jumps looking at the man~
    [15:05:08] Tåurin§Ðegâr: the man slides to a stop as he reaches a wall
               turning to face the people in the white coats that are now
               starting to corner him **
    [15:07:00] Tåurin§Ðegâr: the other man that had been talking to her
               makes his way over there stepping within the circle of
               white coated people before the man with long hair speaking
               softly to him " John you have to calm down yes we know
               youre baby is coming and you are going to see her but you
               have to go inside and take your medicine ....ok ...?"
    [15:07:45] Mistress Fer: stands on the bench to get a better view~
    [15:08:39] Tåurin§Ðegâr: john shakes his head " nuh uh i gotta get
               away from you crazy people ....thats what i have to do
               ...." and on that he steps back so his back is firm against
               the wall **
    [15:09:04] Tåurin§Ðegâr: slowly the white coats begin closing in
               around him**
    [15:11:50] Tåurin§Ðegâr: quickly he begins looking around almost
               wildly for a way out like a cornered animal his eyes
               darting this way and that catching sight of the woman
               standing on the bench and his eyes light up as he bites his
               lower lip thinking his hands beginning to open and close
               into fists **hmm.....
    [15:12:52] Mistress Fer: gets down from the bench wanting a closer
               look of the long haired man~
    [15:14:31] Tåurin§Ðegâr: "come on john theyre having vanilla ice cream
               tonight your favorite ....just behave...." the white coats
               are only a matter of 20 ft out now as they begin closing
               their ranks closer in a tight semi circle around him**
    [15:16:43] Tåurin§Ðegâr: an almost wild smirk crosses his features for
               a moment as he watches them approach almost like i know
               something you dont know his eyes reflecting mischief and
               what seems to be a tinge of fear he seems real on edge as
               the coats get ever closer to him**
    [15:18:06] Mistress Fer: stands but a yard ot two behind the white
               coated people trying to hear what is being said~
    [15:22:28] Tåurin§Ðegâr: sees her right behind them almost within his
               grasp but he has to buy some time to think and quick so
               very quickly he holds up his hand as if telling them to
               stop ** Wait...! wait wait wait ! dont come any closer yet
               i have to pray first before i go back in there....would you
               interrupt a man and his praying now stay right where you
               are im going to kneel a moment and pray when i stand back
               up you can come as close as you want and ill be peeking so
               ill know ....** and on that note he drops to his knees
               watching the people around him then lowers his head abit
               and closes his eyes or at least makes it seem he has his
               eyes closed but they are actually open a bare slit not
               visible though through his eye lashes and begins mumbling
               something under his breath as if praying**
    [15:24:38] Tåurin§Ðegâr: the coats stop for him a moment waiting only
               a moment as they quietly begin moving forward again with
               soft even steps " And john what are you praying for might i
               ask " the first man talking to cover any sound the others
               might make **
    [15:27:03] Mistress Fer: Hears the name Jonh spoken and moves so she
               is standing just a foot behind the man, they are all so
               focused on the man she goes unnoticed~
    [15:28:25] Mistress Fer: men in white*
    [15:32:43] Tåurin§Ðegâr: sees them still approaching and supresses a
               grin having known thats what they would do he speaks a
               little louder so they can hear now them only like 5 ft away
               now ** im praying for your mortal souls ......** right as
               those words escape his lips his eyes flash open as a wild
               grin crosses his features and with a quickness with the way
               he was kneeling his weight supported against the wall and
               his foot braced there he lunges straight at the center of
               their line with his shoulder lowered right to the poor saps
               mid section that happened to be in his way the men having
               not expected this were caught slightly off guard and he
               rises as his shoulder meets the first white coat lifting
               him over his own shoulder and continueing the rush as the
               others dive at him quickly to subdue him**
    [15:35:19] Mistress Fer: jumps out of the way as a man is thrusted at
               her feet. Quickly she steps back her eyes coming to rest on
               the man that seems to be in the middle of this mayham~
    [15:38:56] Tåurin§Ðegâr: one manages to just barely grab his foot
               tripping him up but instantly he curls up and rolls through
               it as he goes to the ground coming back to his feet only to
               have another one jumping right at him so he side steps that
               one right into another one that grabs him around the waist
               trying to drag him down with this he figured it was a good
               time to let them have what he had stolen while he was in
               there and whips out a hidden spray can of pepper spray he
               had grabbed as he fled from the building and sprays it
               right in the eyes of the person holding his waist the man
               stumbling back with a scream **
    [15:41:26] Tåurin§Ðegâr: as he drops to the ground the spray can in
               hand now more of the men begin coming at him but each one
               met the pepper spray to the eyes with only a few of them
               left still able to see they begin trying to get closer and
               he glances over finally at his baby ** hello love .....like
               my little outing here.....
    [15:48:06] Mistress Fer: eyes grow wide seeing it is truly her love.
               After a moment she looks around then scrawls at her then to
               the few men still drawing closer to him. Suddenly she feels
               someone grab her arm just below her shoulder. Turning she
               sees the man from earlier.~ "You had better come with me
               miss, this man is insane. He isnt the one you seek."
               narrowing her eyes she jerks her arms from his graps and
               rears back before letting her elbow go hard into his chest
               just below his heart~ "Dont make me get insane on your
               lieing ass. Now someone better tell me what the Hell is
               going on around here!"
    [15:48:18] Mistress Fer: him*
    [15:51:02] Tåurin§Ðegâr: these people are crazy my love.....i was just
               bouncing happily saying im gonna see my baby soon and they
               came and grabbed me and brought me to this place saying i
               was crazy....
    [15:51:29] Tåurin§Ðegâr: when.....THEY!!!!!! are the crazy ones
    [15:52:56] Tåurin§Ðegâr: people arent crazy when they are put into
               this place they are crazy when they get out this place
               makes people crazy....
    [15:54:04] Mistress Fer: They What?!.. Why you stupid people! He isnt
               insane, what he said was the truth. ~mumbles a bit upset~
               Like they never seen some one happy...  ~nods agreeing with
               her love~ Aye, so true case in point these guys! ~points to
               all the white coats around them~
    [15:54:59] Tåurin§Ðegâr: makes his way slowly over to his love the
               white coats standing in place **
    [15:55:47] Tåurin§Ðegâr: lets go baby.....i dont want this place
               infecting you too.....
    [15:56:03] Mistress Fer: nods taking his hand in her own~ please let
    [15:56:54] Tåurin§Ðegâr: holds her hand softly in his own as they
               begin to walk away he glances back at them and growls abit
               under his breath before looking back towards his baby **
    [15:57:25] Tåurin§Ðegâr: some people just dont know happiness when
               they see it.....

    ~ I Am Wolf ~

    I am wolf, I am one of a kind
    I have been here since ancient time
    Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
    My kind will always run wild and free

    It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
    You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
    Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
    Why does your kind wish my species to die?
    We wolves run together in a family pack
    Always guarding ourselves against attack
    I do not attack your home or farm
    I only attack when you intend wolf harm

    Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
    We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
    You speak and spread your untrue words
    That we attack your live stock and herds
    Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
    We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
    You hunt and kill for sport and greed
    We only hunt when our families have need

    You place animal head trophies upon your wall
    to make your egos walk vain and tall
    Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
    We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
    We mate for life and survival just as you ...
    We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
    Why can we not share a new dawn ....
    Let me be free to howl the moon my song

    Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
    I am spirit of the wild that never dies
    I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
    I will always run the winds free ...

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