Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM

Date Posted:12/26/2008 11:33 PMCopy HTML

      Be it magic or sword, mind or body. We all defend ourselves somehow in the realms. This page is dedicated to the different fighting styles. Below are links to pages of the three most commonly used fighting styles on MSN.


How to fight Turn Based

The default art of combat here is Turn Based Fighting. There will be no speeding in the room (thought FD may be allowed at discression), and instead we will try to enlighten the masses. Or rather.. convert them as peacefully as possible. Speed fighting is not wrong, it is a way to RP. Its simply not the way we'll have here.
This is the LONG detailed version. Try to go through it, for mostly its just common RP sense. Nothing more, or less. Think of it as Cybering. One turn each, and both having fun.
First off: To those who are new in TB:
Here are some of the basics you need to know before you start to even think of fighting.
1. What sort of character do you have? Mage? Warrior? Vamp or human? You need to know what your character's abilities are, and stay with in the limits you have put on yourself.
2. You should go out and watch other people fight TB, and pay attention to how they do it. Preferably also study descriptive rp'ers. It helps a lot.

Now for the pre fighting agreements:
You should have a judge. If you fight in our room, we will usually appoint one, since nothing is worse than an ego fight. Find someone capable of TB fighting, and let them rule when you dispute over something. Always be honest to yourself, and to your opponent.
Next, make sure you have the basic rules down before the fight, such as:
1. what happens should one of you have to leave.
 (if you leave, and its not a moof, you're dead? or at least leaving means you lose?)
2. How long posts do you want?
(like, max 7 pragraphs, min 20 words)
3. With or with out magic?
(And how magic works. The best seems to be that to send off a spell more serious than flame arrow, or lightning bolt should take one full turn. So you start one one turn, and the effect comes the next turn. This gives a possibility of defence.)
4. Time limit?
(first one to most hits win with in the set time limit, or perhaps max number of posts. Say 7 posts a person, and the one with most hits wins.)

The fight itself:
1.That an attack seems impossible to block, does NOT mean it is impossible. The point is to outsmart your opponents. Use your brain! But do not be afraid to take hits if you are at a loss. No one wins them all.
 2.Be honest, keep it 'real'. Try to be descriptive.
3.If you do not find a away out a hit, and do not awknowlage it, then the attacker has the right to say you took the hit, as well as how much damage you took.
4. If you use a magical item, you have to go into detail and explain exactly what it does. If it is a weapon, you have to also state what kind of special injuries, etc it might do WHEN you attack.
5. If your post is longer than one paragraph, use [c], c... --> or such ways to show you are not yet done. When you ARE done, it helps to put in end] or Done]. but its not necisairy.
6. Once you are finished with a post, its the next persons turn. Dont make several posts after each other. Wait for the next person to finish.

1. First make a 'starter', a post where you state how you look, what you're carrying (or at least what the opponent can see you are carrying).
BigEvilOrc stands about 7' tall. He is a large and muscular built man, wearing a chain mail for protectoin. His right hand holds a wickedly curved dubble headed axe, obviosly a weapon ment for two hands, yet he wields it as easy with one. As he stuides his opponent he bares his yellow teeth in disgust.
SuperHeroMage leans on his quarterstaff unimpressed. He is sinewy built, yet athletic, and his staff shines with a dull blue glow that shouts magic. A lot of orcs had falled for it he thought to himself, and started to murmel a bit to himself in some unrecognizable language.

2. Usually it involves one attack, and one defencive move per player. Use logic, and make it realistic. Think about the turns to be about 5 seconds max a turn unless you are far away from each other.
Attack: BigEvilOrc charges the mage with murder in his gaze, he didnt overbalance though, keeping his weight leveled, quick as a viper he swings his axe in a surprisingly smooth arch, aiming it sideways as to chop the mage's staff in little bits, and preferably cut the boy at the same time.
Defence: SuperHeroMage brings his staff up to block the slash as quick as he can at the same time as he throws himself backwards. He feels the sting through his arms from the power of the blow, yet his staff doesnt shatter, rather glows more strongly than before c]
SuperHeroMage and with a small grin he pointed his left handed finger straight at the man's chest, finishing the words he had begun, sending off a bolt of lightning aimed to stunn the large beast.

3. Do not Force a hit on someone.
Forcing: BigEvilOrc runs at the mage and slashes with his Axe, cutting straight through the man's staff and into his chest, seeing the blood splatter over the metal.

4. Do not make impossible to block moves.
Not like this:
SuperHeroMage brings his staff up to block the slash as quick as he can at the same time as he throws himself backwards. He feels the sting through his arms from the power of the blow, yet his staff doesnt shatter, rather glows more strongly than before c]
SuperHeroMage and with a small grin he pointed his left handed finger straight at the man's chest, finishing the words he had begun, sending of a SuperPowerful void of Death, which will kill anything and everything it comes near. It is 50' in diameter and spreads out from his finger.

5. Always stay with in your character's bounds, and look at things out of his eyes.
BigEvilOrc places his axe before him as to protect himself from the magical attack, yet the electricity flows alongst his axe and down his arms, shocking him badly. Yet he is of a tough race, and merely sneers towards the mage, ignoring the pain as he charges once again.
Not like this:
BigEvilOrc suddenly transforms into a large 400' tall dragon, full with wings and spikes. The lightning bolt hits him with out causing any harm, and instead he opens his mouth and sends out a burst of flames straight at the little mage's form.

6. This means that if you get hurt, you have to rp' the wounds as well. How they effect you etc.
BigEvilOrc gets slower after having been shocked several times now, staggering slightly and taking raggid breaths. He hoped he would be able to finish this off quickly, before he became compleatly exhausted.

7. Extra's on Magic in a combat situation.
a) Magic takes time, that is the weakness mages have in a battle. You just do not throw out the most powerful spell you got in one turn. Use small ones till you get the chance.
Powerful spell:
SuperHeroMage cast a spell of Greater Demon Summoning. His lips move with the words of magic's, and the air about him formly fizzles with energies. It is obvious to everyone that a large spell was in building. 
Small spell:
SuperHeroMage hurls a bolt lightning energies towards the big orc.
b) Should you lose your consentration, your magic is lost. As simple as that.
BigEvilOrc sees the mage beginning to chant and hurls himself in against him in order to smash his consentration into obliteration.
The block:
SuperHeroMage is suddenly aware of the new danger and breaks out of the chanting, throwing himself to the side. Yet the spell is fizzeled and he gets a small headache as well.
Now you know at least a few basic pointers in the TB fighting.
Have fun, and look; its nothing wrong with being new to something. With time you learn, I was a speeder mother fucker once myself.

One thing you have to remember though, is that not everyone who says they can TB fight, actually knows HOW to TB fight. Do NOT expect your opponents to know how to. If they continue to mode again and again, simply call of the fight as illegal. They dodge in a moding way, simply call it a hit and say 'you're dead'. Be a bitch, and dont let people push you around just cause they think they know it all.
Feel free to copy and paste all you want, with out need for recognision. Plagiate all you want, as long as you spread the message.. lol.

Example of  Descriptive Turnbase


"TB" or "Turnbase" style fighting is the most descriptive fighting style there is, on MSN today. Most of the people who type slow engage into this and you take turns hitting each other. Some of the posts can actually go into four "turns" becuase you're really describing EVERYTHING you do.
Personally, most speed fighters do not preferr this, but there is some who actually do. To me, Turnbased is stupid because you really don't know which one is to win if you both do it that way! Plus, its for all the slow people of MSN.(but this is just one person's thoughts on turnbased_)
Here is a partial example of a TB:

«§»ẴgoŋeзMằlєƒΐ¢э▫§ÐǺ▫Gм Steps into the middle of the room taking off his trench letting it fall from his shoulders to the floor as it hits he steps back tilting his head to the side as his neck cracks he pulls out a bottle

«§»ẴgoŋeзMằlєƒΐ¢э▫§ÐǺ▫Gм Of everclear takes a big drink not swalloing holding up his right index finger a black flame arises he winks holding the finger infront of his mouth

«§»ẴgoŋeзMằlєƒΐ¢э▫§ÐǺ▫Gм Spitting it out towards his mother the black fire shooting from his mouth towards her the flames spread 5 feet wide racing towards her

«§»ẴgoŋeзMằlєƒΐ¢э▫§ÐǺ▫Gм Swallowing*

«§»λм5иء§ÐǺءGмءÆC has a faint smile on her face as she sees him step into the middle of the room..... she sees him pull out the bottle and take a swig, tilting her head aside... wondering what he is up to... she sees him bring his finger to his lips, the black flame

«§»λм5иء§ÐǺءGмءÆC comming from his finger.... her smile fades slowly as she realizes what he intends to do.... she mutters under her breath, "Oh shit...."..... still not knowing what she could do as a mere mortal..... she crouches down and watches the flames as they

«§»λм5иء§ÐǺءGмءÆC approach her...... when they get to a few feet before her she jumps up, leaping into the air and over the flames..... the flames tickling her feet as she jumps over them.... she lands on the other side, once again in a crouched position and raises

«§»λм5иء§ÐǺءGмءÆC her gaze toward her son..... she smiles a bit and reaches back, feeling for one of her daggers..... she pulls out what appears to be two daggers, one in each hand.... but with a flick of a wrist they seem to multiply into four..... she throws two



2-3-2 "Speed"
2+ words for the attack.
3+ words for the hit to validize the attack.
2+ words for movement/dodging.

For the attacks, they must be 2+ words and 'directional', for examples:

kicks in

knees high

sweepkicks low

slashes in at his gut

For the hits, they must be 3+ words and state where it hit and include the words "hit (s)" "connect", or "hooks", for examples:

hits his gut
hits chest hard
connects his head

hooks her her jaw hard

For the movements, they must be 2+ words and 'directional' as well... they're for basically moving, dodging, and getting to the person for the attacks.  For examples:

spinflips at him

rushes him

flies over him

leaps back     (then you must say land for moves such as jumping/leaping/floating/flieing/flipping, unless you're going to hover...)

flies up high to the rafters

There may be after-effects for extra damage or effect right after the hit... They must be rational..  Examples:

flips at him

kicking in

hits his chest

sending him back

floats over him

lands behind

palms in

hits his spine

snapping it

paralyzing him


For the Magic...  if it is "materializing" magic such as summoning fireballs or forming weapons, ect.... 
You just do it.. no need for "success", examples are:

forms a sword in his hand

conjurs up a fireball

calls down a lightning bolt

chants up a demon to his control

There's so much controversy and questioning about Magic... usually in serious fights, magic isn't emphasized on. So got any questions....? Just post them up on the message board or ask in the chat room.

To finish off someone... you must have 10 hits then you must peform one more last hit and make it 'fatal'... Then you MUST say 'killing him' right after the fatal kill...  Example is:

slices out

hits his neck

cutting it off

killing him
To block an attack
Hop over to him
Hammering down
You : Grab up
You : Hit both arms
You : Slamming down
Etc..I mean thats the basics..
...... This way is OLD OLD school RP fighting... and it never states where you touched the person... and it's virtually impossible to dodge with the speed-fighters we have nowadays since the word "dodge" is longer than "hit". It's blunt and uncreative.

This way...

"flips at him"



How about this way?

"runs at him"

"slices out"

Or this Way...
"Walks to her"
"kicks her"
"hits hard"
"does so"

Just like the way earlier... THERE'S NO DETAILS ON WHERE THE ATTACK HIT! And you could fucking win any fights like this if you put "success" on your paste...


Fighting Descriptive (7-10-7)
The first line in this style is the attempt line. This line describes how you hit your opponent but DOES NOT HIT and is 7 words or more long ...

-Swings his/her golden sword towards the opponent's head with full accuracy-

The second line is the connect line this line connects/hits, however your opponent may attempt to dodge and it must be 10 words or more long...

-The sword connects with the dummy's head leaving the dummy with a small conclusion-

The dodge line is 7 words or more long and must be typed after the attempt line but  before the connect line in order for it to be effective...

-Sees the sword quickly coming towards him/her and quickly leans his/her back backwards from the attack-

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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