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I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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Date Posted:12/23/2008 11:35 AMCopy HTML

Main Entry: deprecate

Part of Speech: verb

Definition:   belittle

Synonyms:   bemoan, bewail, condemn, deplore, depreciate, derogate, detract, disapprove of, discommend, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, disparage, expostulate, frown, lament, mudsling*, object, pooh pooh, pour mouth, protest against, put down*, rip*, run down*, take down

Main Entry: disapprove

Part of Speech: verb

Definition:   condemn

Synonyms:   blame, boo, catcall, censure, chastise, criticize, damn, decry, denounce, deplore, deprecate, detract, disallow, discommend, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, dislike, dismiss, dispraise, expostulate, find unacceptable, frown on, hiss, nix*, object to, oppose, pan*, pass on, rap, refuse, reject, remonstrate, reprehend, reprobate, reprove, set aside, slam, spurn, turn down, veto, zing*

Main Entry: discountenance

Part of Speech: verb

Definition:   reject

Synonyms:   abash, chagrin, condemn, confuse, deprecate, disapprove, discomfit, discommend, discompose, disconcert, discourage, disesteem, disfavor, dispute, embarrass, faze, frown on*, humiliate, object to, oppose, put down, rattle, resist, shame

Main Entry: discredit

Part of Speech: verb 1

Definition:   blame

Synonyms:   blow up*, censure, defame, degrade, destroy, detract, disconsider, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, dishonor, disparage, disprove, explode, expose, frown upon*, mudsling*, pooh-pooh*, puncture, put down, reflect on, reproach, ruin, run down, shoot, show up, slander, slur, smear, tear down*, vilify

Main Entry:   delegate
Part of Speech:   verb 1
Definition:   empower
Synonyms:   accredit, appoint, assign, authorize, cast, charge, choose, commission, constitute, depute, deputize, designate, elect, give go-ahead, give nod, invest, license, mandate, name, nominate, ordain, select, swear in, warrant
Notes:   1. as a noun, delegate is a person appointed or elected to represent others - as a verb delegate means to transfer power or authority to someone; relegate means to refer to another person for decision or judgment or assign to a lower position or reduce in rank
2. a delegation differs from a legation in that the members of a delegation are usually not charged with a specific mission but merely with the overall task of representing the interests of a body of people, often at a conference during an assembly's regular session; a legate usually acts alone while a delegate acts as part of a group

Main Entry:   doze
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   nap
Synonyms:   catnap, dope off, doss, drift off*, drop off*, drowse, dwall, flake out, knock off, nod, nod off*, sleep, sleep lightly, slumber, snooze*, snoozle

Main Entry:   drop off
Part of Speech:   verb 3
Definition:   sleep
Synonyms:   catnap, doze, doze off*, drowse, nod, nod off*, snooze

Main Entry: decor

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: furnishings

Synonyms: adornment, color scheme, decoration, furniture, interior design, ornamentation

Main Entry: decorate

Part of Speech: verb 1

Definition: beautify

Synonyms: adorn, bedeck, bedizen, brighten, burnish, color, deck, do up*, doll up, dress out*, dress up*, embellish, enhance, enrich, festoon, finish, fix up, frill, furbish, garnish, gild, grace, gussy up*, idealize, illuminate, jazz up*, ornament, paint, perfect, prank, pretty up, renovate, spruce up*, tool, trim

Main Entry: decoration

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: design

Synonyms: applique, arabesque, bauble, braid, color, curlicue, design, dingbat*, doodad*, extravagance, fandangle*, festoon, filigree, finery, flounce, flourish, fretwork, frill, frippery, furbelow, fuss, garbage*, garnish, garniture, gewgaws, gilt, gimcracks*, gingerbread, inlay, jazz*, lace, ornament, parquetry, plaque, ribbon, scroll, sequin, spangle, thing*, tinsel, tooling, trimming, trinket, wreath

Main Entry: dirty

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: obscene

Synonyms: base, blue, coarse, contemptible, despicable, filthy, immoral, impure, indecent, lewd, low, mean, nasty, off-color, pornographic, ribald, risqué, salacious, scatological, scurvy, sensual, smutty, sordid, squalid, unchaste, unclean, uncleanly, vile, vulgar

Main Entry: disguise

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: covering

Synonyms: beard, blind, camouflage, charade, cloak, color, coloring, concealment, costume, counterfeit, cover, cover-up, dissimulation, dress, facade, face, faking, false front*, fig leaf*, front*, get-up, guise, illusion, make-believe, mask, masquerade, pageant, pen name, pretense, pretension, pretentiousness, pseudonym, put-on, red herring*, screen, semblance, smoke screen*, trickery, veil

Main Entry: disguise

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: mask

Synonyms: affect, age, alter, antique, assume, beard, belie, camouflage, change, cloak, color, conceal, counterfeit, cover, cover up, deacon, deceive, dissemble, dissimulate, doctor up*, dress up, fake, falsify, feign, front*, fudge*, garble, gloss over, hide, make like, make up, masquerade, muffle, obfuscate, obscure, pretend, redo*, screen, secrete, sham, shroud, simulate, touch up, varnish, veil, wear cheaters*, whitewash*

Main Entry: distort

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: falsify

Synonyms: alter, angle, belie, bend, bias, buckle, bull, change, collapse, color, con, contort, cook, crush, curve, deceive, decline, deform, deteriorate, deviate, disfigure, doctor*, fake, fudge*, garble, gnarl, knot, lie, mangle, melt, misconstrue, misinterpret, misrepresent, misshape, pervert, phony up*, sag, scam*, slant, slump, snow*, torture, trump up*, twist, warp, whitewash*, wind, wrench, writhe

Main Entry: dye

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: color agent

Synonyms: color, colorant, coloring, dyestuff, pigment, stain, tincture, tinge, tint

Main Entry: dye

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: change color

Synonyms: color, impregnate, pigment, stain, tincture, tinge, tint

Main Entry: dark

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: not light

Synonyms: aphotic, atramentous, black, blackish, caliginous, clouded, cloudy, crepuscular, darkened, dim, dingy, drab, dull, dun, dusk, duskish, dusky, faint, foggy, gloomy, grimy, ill-lighted, indistinct, inky, lightless, lurid, misty, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque, overcast, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, rayless, shaded, shadowy, shady, somber, sooty, stygian, sunless, tenebrous, unlighted, unlit, vague

Main Entry: dark

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: shaded

Synonyms: Negro, Negroid, adumbral, bistered, black, brunet, brunette, colored, dark-complexioned, dark-skinned, dusky, ebony, nonwhite, sable, swart, swarthy, tan

Main Entry: darkness

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: shadows

Synonyms: black, blackness, blackout, brownout, caliginosity, cloudiness, crepuscule, dark, dimness, dusk, duskiness, eclipse, gloom, lightlessness, murk, murkiness, nightfall, nigritude, obscurity, pitch darkness, shade, shadiness, shadows, smokiness, tenebrosity, twilight

Main Entry: death wish

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: desire to die

Synonyms: black despondency, death instinct, gloom and doom, pessimism, self-destructive urge, suicidal despair

Main Entry: defamation

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: libel

Synonyms: aspersion, backbiting, backstabbing, belittlement, black eye*, brickbat, calumny, character assassination, cheap shot*, denigration, depreciation, detraction, dirt, dirty laundry*, dirty linen, disparagement, dump*, dynamite, hit, knock, lie, low-down dirty*, mud, obloquy, opprobrium, rap, scorcher, slam*, slime, slur, smear, tale, traducement, vilification

Main Entry: defeat

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: overthrow

Synonyms: KO*, ambush, annihilation, beating, black eye, blow, break, breakdown, check, collapse, conquest, count, debacle, defeasance, destruction, discomfiture, downthrow, drubbing*, embarrassment, extermination, failure, fall, insuccess, killing*, lacing, licking, loss, massacre, mastery, nonsuccess, paddling, rebuff, repulse, reverse, rout, ruin, scalping, setback, shellacking*, slaughter, subjugation, thrashing, trap, trashing, trimming, triumph, trouncing, vanquishment, whipping, whitewashing*

Notes: decimate means to kill or destroy in large numbers; defeat means to win a victory over or to beat

* = Informal or slang
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Date Posted:12/23/2008 11:36 AMCopy HTML

Main Entry: dejected

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: depressed

Synonyms: abject, atrabilious, black, bleak, blue, broody, bummed out*, cast down, cheerless, clouded, crestfallen, dampened, dashed, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, disheartened, dismal, dispirited, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, dragged, drooping, droopy, gloomy, glum, heavyhearted, hurting*, low, low-spirited, melancholy, miserable, moody, mopey*, mopish*, morose, sad, sagging, shot down*, spiritless, woebegone, wretched

Main Entry: delete

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: erase

Synonyms: annul, black out, bleep, blot out, blue-pencil*, cancel, clean, clean up, cross out, cut, cut out, decontaminate, dele, destroy, drop, edit, efface, eliminate, exclude, expunge, gut, knock out, launder, obliterate, omit, pass up, remove, rub, rub out, rule out, sanitize, snip, squash, squelch, sterilize, strike out, trim, wipe out

Main Entry: delinquent

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: criminal

Synonyms: black sheep*, blackguard, culprit, dawdler, deadbeat*, deadhead*, debtor, defaulter, derelict, desperado, evader, fallen angel*, felon, hoodlum*, jailbird*, juvenile delinquent, juvie*, lawbreaker, loafer, lounger, malefactor, miscreant, neglector, no show*, offender, outlaw, punk*, rabbit, recreant, reprobate, scamp, sinner, skedaddler, skipper, stiff, welsher, wrongdoer, young offender

Main Entry: depressing

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: discouraging

Synonyms: black, bleak, daunting, dejecting, depressive, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dispiriting, distressing, dreary, funereal, gloomy, heartbreaking, hopeless, joyless, melancholic, melancholy, mournful, oppressive, sad, saddening, somber, upsetting

Main Entry: desolate

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: depressed

Synonyms: abandoned, acheronian, bereft, black, bleak, blue, blue funk, cheerless, comfortless, companionless, dejected, depressing, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, dolorous, down, downcast, forlorn, forsaken, funereal, gloomy, hurting, in pain, inconsolable, joyless, lonely, lonesome, melancholy, miserable, somber, tragic, wretched

Notes: lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship, while lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness; forlorn and desolate are even more isolated and sad

Main Entry: dinner jacket

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: men's formal jacket worn for eveningwear

Synonyms: black tie, tux, tuxedo, tuxedo jacket

Notes: a dinner jacket is white and a smoking jacket is velvet

Main Entry: dire

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: terrible

Synonyms: afflictive, alarming, appalling, awful, black, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, cruel, deplorable, depressing, direful, disastrous, dismal, distressing, dreadful, fearful, fierce, frightful, gloomy, grievous, grim, heartbreaking, horrible, horrid, lamentable, ominous, oppressing, portentous, redoubtable, regrettable, ruinous, scowling, shocking, terrific, ugly, unfortunate, woeful

Main Entry: directory

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: guide

Synonyms: agenda, almanac, atlas, black list, blue book, book, catalogue, charts, enemies list, gazetteer, hit list*, index, laundry list*, lineup, list, record, register, roster, scorecard, short list*, social register, syllabus, white pages*, who's who*, yellow pages*

Main Entry: dirty

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: unclean

Synonyms: bedraggled, black, contaminated, cruddy*, crummy, defiled, disarrayed, dishabille, disheveled, dreggy, dungy, dusty, filthy, foul, fouled, greasy, grimy, grubby, grungy*, icky*, lousy, messy, mucky*, muddy, mung*, murky, nasty, pigpen*, polluted, raunchy, scummy*, scuzzy*, skank, slatternly, slimy, sloppy, slovenly, smudged, smutty, sooty, spattered, spotted, squalid, stained, straggly, sullied, undusted, unhygienic, unkempt, unlaundered, unsanitary, unsightly, unswept, untidy, unwashed, yucky*

Main Entry: disapproval

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: condemnation

Synonyms: black list*, blackball*, blame, boo*, boycott, brickbat, call down, castigation, catcall*, censure, criticism, denunciation, deprecation, ding, disapprobation, discontent, disfavor, dislike, disparagement, displeasure, dissatisfaction, hiss*, nix*, no way, objection, opprobrium, ostracism, reproach, reproof, stricture, thumbs down*, vitriol, zing*

Main Entry: disconsolate

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: unhappy

Synonyms: bad, black, cheerless, cold, comfortless, cracked up, crestfallen, crushed, cut up, dark, dejected, depressed, desolate, despairing, destroyed, dispirited, distressed, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, dreary, forlorn, gloomy, grief-stricken, heartbroken, hopeless, hurting, in pain*, inconsolable, low, melancholy, miserable, put away, ripped*, sad, somber, sorrowful, torn up, woebegone, woeful, wretched

Main Entry: discouraging

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: upsetting

Synonyms: black, bleak, dampening, daunting, depressing, depressive, deterring, disadvantageous, disappointing, disheartening, dismal, dismaying, dispiriting, dissuading, dreary, gloomy, hindering, inopportune, off-putting, oppressive, repressing, unfavorable, unpropitious

Main Entry: disgrace

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: shame

Synonyms: abasement, abuse, baseness, black eye*, blemish, blur, brand, comedown, contempt, contumely, corruption, culpability, debasement, debasing, defamation, degradation, derision, disbarment, discredit, disesteem, disfavor, dishonor, disrepute, disrespect, humbling, humiliation, ignominy, ill repute, infamy, ingloriousness, meanness, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, pollution, put-down, reproach, scandal, scorn, slander, slight, slur, spot, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish, turpitude, venality

Main Entry: dismal

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: gloomy

Synonyms: afflictive, black, boring, cheerless, cloudy, dark, depressed, depressing, desolate, despondent, dim, dingy, disagreeable, discouraging, disheartening, dispiriting, doleful, dolorous, dull, forlorn, frowning, funereal, ghastly, gruesome, hopeless, horrible, horrid, inauspicious, joyless, lonesome, lowering, lugubrious, melancholy, miserable, monotonous, morbid, murky, oppressive, overcast, sad, shadowy, somber, sorrowful, tedious, tenebrous, troublesome, unfortunate, unhappy

Main Entry: dreary

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: gloomy

Synonyms: black, blah, bleak, boring, cheerless, colorless, comfortless, damp, depressing, depressive, dingy, dismal, dispiriting, doleful, downcast, drab, dull, forlorn, funereal, glum, humdrum, joyless, lifeless, lonely, lonesome, melancholy, monotonous, mournful, oppressive, pedestrian, raw, routine, sad, somber, sorrowful, tedious, uneventful, uninteresting, wearisome, windy, wintry, wretched

Main Entry: dull

Part of Speech: adjective 6

Definition: drab

Synonyms: ashen, black, blind, cloudy, cold, colorless, dark, dead, dim, dingy, dismal, dun, dusky, faded, feeble, flat, grimy, hazy, indistinct, lackluster, leaden, lifeless, low, mat, mousy, muddy, muffled, murky, muted, obscure, opaque, overcast, plain, shadowy, sober, soft, softened, somber, sooty, subdued, subfusc, toned-down, unlit

Main Entry: dust storm

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: dust- or sand-carrying windstorm

Synonyms: black blizzard, devil, dust devil, duster, harmattan, khamsin, peesash, samiel, sand column, sandspout, sandstorm, shaitan, simoom, sirocco

* = Informal or slang

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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