Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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Date Posted:06/19/2010 7:08 PMCopy HTML

By :-) Crissy Gottberg

In learning more about creating characters for my novel I learned far more about creating the world around them, and the history to them then ever I thought I would, or would need to.

A person is not only a personality, but they are experiences, hopes, joys, passions, and foibles all rolled into one little package. For a writer you must not only create these in yourself, but for several, if not hundreds of other people as well. Those with the fullest detail, I have found, are actually far easier to write about then those who I know nothing about.

With that having been said, I have devised a way to have all of this in one easy place, a list of questions to answer about any character for any setting so that I can have a complete history, personality, and everything else all at my finger tips. How often have you started on the third chapter, or even the third page, and had to go back to the beginning and remind yourself that “gee, her hair was blond, not red.”

This list of questions makes that a lot easier. For convenience I have print ready versions here for page 1 and page 2. For those of you who do not think there is enough room to write what you need to, or want a digital vertion here is a list that you can cut and paste into a word processor, and use it as much as you like. If you need explanations on any of the questions, or advice on answering one, send a comment, I am sure someone will love to answer it.

Remember: The questions are about your character, not about you, so answer appropriately. Keep in mind that these questions are not all necessary for every character, in fact for bit parts you may only want to answer a couple of them. This was designed for the lead character of a novel in mind, and you will have to adjust it as necessary. This was also designed with fantasy and SF stories in mind, so some questions are specifically geared to those genres. Also, some of these have been changed slightly from the originals posted on the pages above, but it all boils down to the same thing.

The Questions

Date this form was created:
Full name of Character:
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name:
Reason for nickname:
Social class:

Physical Appearance:

How old they appear:
Eye Color:
Glasses or contacts?
Hair color length and style:
Weight and height:
Type of body (build):
Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily):
Shape of face:
Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.):
Predominant feature:
Is s/he healthy?
If not, why not? Or why are they healthy?
Do they look healthy? Why/why not?


Char’s favorite color:
Least favorite, why?
Least favorite music, why?
Expletives (curse):
Mode of transport:
How do they spend a rainy day?


Are they a daredevil or cautious?
Do they act the same alone as when with someone?
How much:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
Soft spot:
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not:
If not, how do they hide it:
Biggest Vulnerability:


Type of childhood:
First Memory:
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her:


Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Siblings, How many, relationship with each:
Children of siblings:
Other extended family:
Close? Why or why not:


Most at ease when:
Most ill at ease when:
How they feel about themselves:
Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit:
If granted one wish what would it be, why?


Optimist or pessimist? Why?
Introvert or extrovert? Why?
Drives and motives:
Extremely skilled at:
Extremely unskilled at:
Good characteristics:
Character flaws:
Biggest regret:
Minor regrets:
Biggest accomplishment:
Minor accomplishments:
Darkest secret:
Does anyone know?
How did they find out:


One word they would use to describe themselves:
One paragraph of how they would describe themselves:
What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why:
The worst one? Why?
Are they realistic assessments?
If not, why not?
How they think others preserve them:
What four things would they most like to change about themselves:
If they were changed would they be the same person, why/why not:
Would changing of number 1 make them more happy? Why/why not:

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others:
How are they perceived by strangers:
The Hero/Heroin:
How do they view the Hero/Heroine:
First impression of the char:
What happens to change this perception:
What do people like most about this char:
What do they dislike most about them:


Long term:
How do they plan to accomplish them:
How will others be effected by this:


How do they react in a crisis:
How do they face problems:
Kind of problems they usually run into:
How they react to new problems:
How they react to change:


Favorite clothing, why:
Least favorite, why:
Other accessories:
Where do they live:
Where do they want to live:
Spending habits, why:
What do they do too much of, why:
Most prized possession, why:
People they secretly admire, why:
Person they are most influenced by, why:
Most important person in their life before story starts, why:
How do they spend the week just before the story starts:

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  • Rank:Golden Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM

Re:Character Creation Form - from FARP

Date Posted:06/19/2010 7:16 PMCopy HTML

Book Recommendations

The Writer's Guide to Character Traits
This book goes into a lot of detail about character traits. Very interesting book to help you develop your characters. It helps to understand why people do the things they do. [More info!]

The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines: 16 Master Archetypes
By Tami D. Cowden, Caro LaFever, Sue Viders. There are numerous books on creating characters, writing believable stories, etc. This book will help you spark ideas and conflict.  [More info!]

Creating Characters: A Writer's Reference to the Personality Traits That Bring Fictional People to Life
Well-organized, examines many angles of a character. This book will help you dig into your characters to make them stand out, to make them more interesting and believeable. This book is more useful to a story writer than many story writing books. [More info!]

45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters by Victoria Schmidt.
Screenwriter Schmidt offers a book for writers struggling with characterization, emphasizing interesting, believable women characters. Looking to mythology for such types as Aphrodite, Artemis, and Zeus, Schmidt concisely outlines each type's cares and concerns, strengths and weaknesses, and likely reaction to common problems. [More info!]

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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