Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM

Date Posted:12/23/2008 11:39 AMCopy HTML

Main Entry:   beckon
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   call
Synonyms:   allure, ask, attract, beck, bid, coax, command, demand, draw, entice, gesticulate, gesture, invite, motion, nod, pull, sign, summon, tempt, wave

Main Entry:   bob
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   bounce
Synonyms:   bow, duck, genuflect, hop, jerk, jounce, leap, nod, oscillate, quaver, quiver, ricochet, seesaw, skip, waggle, weave, wobble

Main Entry:   bow
Part of Speech:   noun 1
Definition:   bend
Synonyms:   angle, arc, arch, bend, bending, bob, curtsey, curtsy, curvation, curvature, curve, flection, flexure, genuflection, inclination, kowtow*, nod, obeisance, round, salaam, turn, turning

Main Entry:   bow
Part of Speech:   verb 1
Definition:   bend
Synonyms:   arch, bob, cower, crook, curtsey, curve, debase, dip, droop, duck, genuflect, hunch, incline, nod, round, stoop

Main Entry: belie

Part of Speech: verb 2

Definition: deceive

Synonyms: color, conceal, disguise, distort, falsify, garble, gloss over, hide, miscolor, mislead, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, trump up, twist, warp

Main Entry: blue

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: vulgar

Synonyms: bawdy, dirty, indecent, lewd, naughty, obscene, off-color, risqué, salty, shady, smutty, spicy, suggestive, wicked

Main Entry: blush

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: coloring

Synonyms: bloom, burning, color, flush, flushing, glow, glowing, mantling, pink tinge, reddening, redness, rosiness, ruddiness

Main Entry: broad

Part of Speech: adjective 5

Definition: vulgar

Synonyms: blue, coarse, dirty, gross, improper, indecent, indelicate, low-minded, off-color, purple, racy, risqué, salty, saucy, smutty, spicy, suggestive, unrefined, unrestrained, vulgar, wicked

Main Entry: black

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: dark

Synonyms: atramentous, brunet, charcoal, clouded, coal, dingy, dusky, ebon, ebony, inklike, jet, livid, melanoid, murky, nigrescent, nigrous, obsidian, onyx, piceous, pitch, pitch-dark, raven, sable, shadowy, slate, somber, sombre, sooty, starless, swart, swarthy

Main Entry: black

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: hopeless

Synonyms: atrocious, bleak, depressing, depressive, dismal, dispiriting, distressing, doleful, dreary, foreboding, funereal, gloomy, horrible, mournful, ominous, oppressive, sad, sinister, somber, threatening

Main Entry: black

Part of Speech: adjective 3

Definition: dirty

Synonyms: dingy, filthy, foul, grimy, grubby, impure, nasty, soiled, sooty, spotted, squalid, stained, unclean, uncleanly

Main Entry: black

Part of Speech: adjective 4

Definition: angry

Synonyms: enraged, fierce, furious, hostile, menacing, resentful, sour, sullen, threatening

Main Entry: black

Part of Speech: adjective 5

Definition: evil

Synonyms: bad, diabolical, iniquitous, mean, nefarious, villainous, wicked

Main Entry: black box

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: flight data recorder

Synonyms: flight recorder

Main Entry: black cow

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: root beer float

Synonyms: brown cow, ice cream soda

Main Entry: Black Death

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: bubonic plague

Synonyms: black plague, The Plague

Main Entry: black eye

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: bad reputation

Synonyms: bad name, black mark, blemish, disgrace, dishonor, lost face, shame, shiner, smear, stain, stigma

Main Entry: black gold

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: crude oil

Synonyms: oil, petrol, petroleum, Texas Tea

Main Entry: black lung

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: pneumoconiosis or anthracosis

Synonyms: anthracosis, black lung disease, coal miner's lung, miner's lung, pneumoconiosis

Main Entry: black magic

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: sorcery

Synonyms: diabolism, magic, necromancy, voodoo, witchcraft, wizardry

Main Entry: black magic

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: witchcraft or sorcery

Synonyms: Satanism, black art, demon worship, demonianism, diabolism, magic, mysticism, necromancy, sorcery, voodoo, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry

Main Entry: Black Maria

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: police van

Synonyms: paddy wagon, patrol wagon, police wagon

Main Entry: black market

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: illegal commerce

Synonyms: bootleg market, gray market, illegitimate business, illicit business, run, shady dealings, underground, underground market, underworld market

Main Entry: black out

Part of Speech: verb 1

Definition: cover

Synonyms: conceal, cover up, cut off, darken, eclipse, eradicate, erase, hold back, make dark, obfuscate, rub out, shade, squash, squelch

Main Entry: black out

Part of Speech: verb 2

Definition: faint

Synonyms: collapse, lose consciousness, pass out*, slip, swoon*, zone out*

Main Entry: black out

Part of Speech: verb 3

Definition: lose consciousness

Synonyms: extinguish, faint, go out like a light*, keel over, pass out*, quash, smother, squelch, stifle, suppress, swoon*, zonk out

Main Entry: bad egg

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: bad person

Synonyms: black sheep, corrupt person, evildoer, miscreant, reprobate, sorry lot, untrustworthy person, worthless person, wrongdoer, wrong number, wrongo

Main Entry: belt

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: band

Synonyms: black belt, cincture, cummerbund, girdle, ribbon, ring, sash, strap, string, waistband

Main Entry: bleak

Part of Speech: adjective 2

Definition: depressing

Synonyms: black, cheerless, comfortless, dark, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, drear, dreary, funereal, gloomy, grim, hard, harsh, hopeless, joyless, lonely, melancholy, oppressive, sad, somber, unpromising

Main Entry: blood pudding

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: sausage made from pig's blood and other ingredients

Synonyms: black pudding, blood sausage, sausage

Main Entry: brand

Part of Speech: noun 3

Definition: stigma

Synonyms: bar sinister, black eye, blot, blur, disgrace, infamy, mark, odium, onus, reproach, slur, smirch, spot, stain, stigma, taint

Main Entry: bribe

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: buy off

Synonyms: approach, black market, buy, buy back, coax, corrupt, entice, fix*, get at, get to, grease palm*, influence, instigate, lubricate, lure, oil palm*, pay off, pervert, reward, seduce, soap*, square, suborn, sugar, tamper, tempt, tip

Main Entry: bruise

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: mark

Synonyms: abrasion, black eye, black mark, black-and-blue mark, blemish, boo-boo*, contusion, discoloration, injury, mouse*, swelling, wale, wound

Main Entry: bruise

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: blacken

Synonyms: batter, beat, black, blacken, blemish, bung up*, contuse, crush, damage, deface, injure, mar, mark, pound, pulverize, wound, zing*    
* = Informal or slang

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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