Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM

Date Posted:12/23/2008 11:38 AMCopy HTML

Main Entry:   confirmation
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   validation
Synonyms:   acceptance, accepting, accord, admission, affirmation, affirming, agreement, approval, assent, attestation, authenticating, authentication, authorization, authorizing, avowal, consent, corroborating, corroboration, endorsement, evidence, go ahead*, green light*, nod, okay, passage, passing, proof, proving, ratification, recognition, sanction, sanctioning, substantiation, support, supporting, testament, testimonial, testimony, validating, verification, verifying, visa, witness

Main Entry:   corroborate
Part of Speech:   verb
Definition:   confirm
Synonyms:   approve, authenticate, bear out, certify, check on, check out, check up, declare true, document, double check, endorse, establish, give nod*, justify, okay, prove, ratify, rubber-stamp*, strengthen, substantiate, support, sustain, validate, verify
Notes:   corroborate is used in a narrower context, usually by way of providing support for testimony in a legal proceeding; confirm is to lend support to a much wider array of things

Main Entry:   cue
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   signal
Synonyms:   catchword, clue, high sign, hint, hot lead*, idea, indication, inkling, innuendo, intimation, key, lead, mnemonic, nod, notion, prod, prompt, prompting, reminder, sign, suggestion, telltale*, tip-off, twit, warning, wind
Notes:   a queue is a line of people or vehicles waiting for something or an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted; a cue is a signal or stimulus that helps to solve a problem or provides information about what to do - or a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards

Main Entry: color

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: pigment

Synonyms: blush, cast, chroma, chromaticity, chromatism, chromism, colorant, coloration, coloring, complexion, dye, glow, hue, intensity, iridescence, luminosity, paint, pigmentation, polychromasia, saturation, shade, stain, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, undertone, value, wash

Notes: color refers to the wavelength composition of light, shade is a gradation of color referring to its degree of darkness, tint is a gradation referring to its degree of lightness, and hue indicates a modification of a basic color

Main Entry: color

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: appearance

Synonyms: deception, disguise, excuse, facade, face, false show, front, guise, mask, plea, pretense, pretext, put-on, semblance, show

Notes: color refers to the wavelength composition of light, shade is a gradation of color referring to its degree of darkness, tint is a gradation referring to its degree of lightness, and hue indicates a modification of a basic color

Main Entry: color

Part of Speech: verb 1

Definition: shade

Synonyms: adorn, bloom, blush, burn, chalk, crayon, crimson, daub, dye, embellish, emblazon, enamel, enliven, flush, fresco, gild, glaze, gloss, illuminate, imbue, infuse, lacquer, paint, pigment, pinken, redden, rouge, stain, stipple, suffuse, tinge, tint, tone, variegate, wash

Notes: color refers to the wavelength composition of light, shade is a gradation of color referring to its degree of darkness, tint is a gradation referring to its degree of lightness, and hue indicates a modification of a basic color

Main Entry: color

Part of Speech: verb 2

Definition: distort

Synonyms: angle*, belie, cook, cook up*, disguise, doctor*, embroider*, exaggerate, fake, falsify, fudge*, garble, gloss over, magnify, misrepresent, misstate, overstate, pad*, pervert, prejudice, slant*, taint, twist*, warp*

Notes: color refers to the wavelength composition of light, shade is a gradation of color referring to its degree of darkness, tint is a gradation referring to its degree of lightness, and hue indicates a modification of a basic color

Main Entry: color bar

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: discriminatory barrier separating nonwhite people from white people

Synonyms: color line, Jim Crow

Main Entry: color line

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: discriminatory barrier separating nonwhite people from white people

Synonyms: color bar, Jim Crow

Main Entry: color scheme

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: color coordination

Synonyms: color arrangement, coloration, color compatibility, color design, color pattern, decorator colors

Main Entry: class

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: kind

Synonyms: branch, brand, breed, cast, caste, character, classification, collection, color, degree, denomination, department, description, designation, distinction, division, domain, estate, family, feather, frame, genre, genus, grade, grain, grouping, hierarchy, humor, ilk, kidney, league, make, mold, name, nature, order, origin, property, province, quality, range, rank, rate, school, sect, section, selection, set, source, species, sphere, standing, status, stripe, style, suit, temperament, value, variety

Main Entry: coarse

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: rude

Synonyms: base, bawdy, blue*, boorish, brutish, cheap, common, crass, crude, dirty, earthy, filthy, foul, foul-mouthed, gross, gruff, immodest, impolite, improper, impure, incult, indelicate, inelegant, loutish, low, lowbred, mean, nasty, obscene, off-color, offensive, raffish, raunchy, raw, ribald, rough, roughneck*, rude, scatological, smutty*, tacky, uncivil, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unrefined, vulgar, vulgarian

Main Entry: complexion

Part of Speech: noun 1

Definition: coloring

Synonyms: appearance, cast, color, coloration, coloring, flush, front, glow, hue, looks, mug*, phiz*, pigmentation, skin, texture, tinge, tint, tone

Main Entry: currency

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: money

Synonyms: bill, bread*, cash, chicken feed*, coinage, coins, cold cash*, color, corn, dead president, dinero*, dough*, folding money, green stuff*, jangle, legal tender, lettuce, line, long green, mint, moolah*, notes, peanuts, poke, specie, wad*

Main Entry: cancel

Part of Speech: verb 1

Definition: call off

Synonyms: abolish, abort, abrogate, annul, ax, black out, blot out, break, break off, call off, countermand, cross out, cut, deface, delete, destroy, do in, efface, eliminate, eradicate, erase, expunge, finish off*, kill, obliterate, off*, omit, quash, remove, render invalid, repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, rub out, scratch out, scrub*, sink*, smash, squash, stamp across, strike out, torpedo*, total*, trash*, trim*, undo, wash out*, wipe out*, x out, z

Main Entry: capital goods

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: materials used in the production of goods

Synonyms: assets, available funds, available means, available resources, black-ink items, capital, capitalization, cash flow, financial resources, liquid assets, pluses, producer goods, stock in trade

Notes: capital goods are goods used in making other goods, as opposed to consumer goods

Main Entry: cast aspersions

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: make disparaging charges against someone

Synonyms: asperse, case reflections on, damage one's good name, give one a black eye, injure one's reputation

Main Entry: censor

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: forbid

Synonyms: abridge, ban, black out*, blacklist, bleach, bleep*, blue-pencil*, bowdlerize, clean up, conceal, control, cork*, criticize, cut, decontaminate, delete, edit, examine, excise, expurgate, exscind, inspect, launder*, narrow, oversee, purge, purify, refuse transmission, repress, restrain, restrict, review, revile, sanitize, scissor out*, squelch, sterilize, strike out, supervise communications, suppress, withhold

Notes: to censor is to disallow portions or the entireties of books, plays, etc. on the grounds that they transgress propriety, 'to scrutinize, revise, or cut,' expurgate or suppress; to censure is to criticize vehemently or harshly, or condemn

Main Entry: cheerless

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: depressing

Synonyms: austere, black, bleak, blue, comfortless, dark, dejected, dejecting, depressed, desolate, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, dispiriting, dolorous, drab, draggy, drearisome, dreary, dull, forlorn, funereal, gloomy, grim, jarring, joyless, melancholy, miserable, mopey, mournful, oppressive, sad, somber, sorrowful, sullen, tenebrific, uncomfortable, unhappy, wintry, woebegone, woeful

Main Entry: colored

Part of Speech: adjective 1

Definition: non-white

Synonyms: black, brown, dyed, flushed, glowing, hued, red, reddened, rouged, shaded, stained, tinged, tinted, washed

Main Entry: contraband

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: piracy

Synonyms: black market, bootlegging, counterfeiting, crime, dealing, goods*, moonshine*, plunder, poaching, rum-running*, smuggling, stuff, swag, theft, trafficking, violation

Main Entry: Cosa Nostra

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the Mafia

Synonyms: Black Hand, gangdom, gangland, Mafia, mob, organized crime, organized crime family, rackets, Syndicate, the mob, the Syndicate, the underworld, underworld

Main Entry: cur

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: lowly being

Synonyms: black sheep*, blackguard, bum, cad, coward, dog*, flea hotel, good-for-nothing*, heel*, hound*, mongrel, mutt, mutt, ne'er-do-well*, pooch, rat*, riffraff*, rotter, scoundrel, scum*, skunk*, snake*, snot, stinker*, stray, toad*, villain, worm*, wretch, yellow dog*   
* = Informal or slang

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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