Wolf Role-play Information

I have taken everything I know and found about wolf role-play and made one group so all can get a better understanding. I hope this help everyone to make their role-play more fun and entertaining.


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  • Rank:Golden Member
  • Score:134
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 7:05 PM

Date Posted:09/13/2012 11:29 PMCopy HTML

PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT --------------------------------------------------
                 project overview and solicitation for data
                 sponsor: Lion Templin, jtemplin@leonine.com
What is AIT?
 AIT, or the Awareness (awereness) Indicator Test is a battery of questions used to profile an individual's possible therianthropic nature.  AIT is to be designed to allow a tester to evaluate an individual's possible therianthropic nature without the individual noting directly what the test is designed to achieve, therefore greatly reducing the risk of infection among non-therianthropes.  After the test the tester should have a reasonable course of action whether or not to pursue further therianthropic teaching.
What's so great about AIT?
 AIT allows you to identify, through a testing process, potential therianthropes without having to bridge that awful explanation of "This is what I am are you like me?" and potentially damaging yourself and the other.  It's to be designed to hide the purpose of the test so in the event of the test going badly, it's easy to back out without damage.  If, however, the test goes good, you now have a starting point in which to carefully guide a person to better understanding of themselves.
What's so bad about AIT?
 AIT is not designed to be ALL encompassing.  AIT is NOT designed to be definitive.  It only identifies possible indicators and provides a reasonable guess as to the nature of a person.  It does NOT, for instance, attempt to identify such things as "polyweres".  AIT is NOT designed as an end-all test for wereness.
Features of AIT.
 AIT should have the following features when completed:
  o Lengthy near-complete testing of all therianthropic
    tendencies and indicators.
  o Non-descript usual psych test style questions with little
    direct reference to topic at hand.
  o Non-additive filler questions.
  o Tester analysis guide for each question.
  o Therianthropic likelyhood thresholds.
How are we developing AIT?
 With your help.  There are four major stages:
 1)  Initial question battery development.
 2)  Internal known-populace benchmarking.
 3)  Question battery refinement.
 4)  Final benchmarking and initial real world testing.
 We're working on stage 1 currently.  We need you to help with the question pool by giving us ideas for questions and their possible answers ... as well as basic indicators you think should be represented by questions.  If you haven't already, join the mailing list at awereness@leonine.com where all the discussion of the test development will be going on.  You can submit questions, ideas, .. anything that you might think need be part of the AIT.  With your help we can produce this powerful tool to aid us...
 Note:  Recent discussion on IRC about AIT showed some good guidelines for question development methods.  If you want to see a copy of this log, please email jtemplin@leonine.com for a complete transcript.

~ I Am Wolf ~

I am wolf, I am one of a kind
I have been here since ancient time
Wakan Tanka Blesses me to be
My kind will always run wild and free

It is my nature to avoid you, I am human shy
You hunt me from helicopters across the sky
Then you shoot at me as I try to flee ... Why?
Why does your kind wish my species to die?
We wolves run together in a family pack
Always guarding ourselves against attack
I do not attack your home or farm
I only attack when you intend wolf harm

Wolf has no markets or stores for food supply
We hunt the forests and where open fields lie
You speak and spread your untrue words
That we attack your live stock and herds
Why does man wish to kill wolf by his lying?
We only take lives of old, weak and already dying
You hunt and kill for sport and greed
We only hunt when our families have need

You place animal head trophies upon your wall
to make your egos walk vain and tall
Wolf needs no trophies for others to see
We only wish to live and preserve our family ...
We mate for life and survival just as you ...
We grieve for our lost ones same as you do
Why can we not share a new dawn ....
Let me be free to howl the moon my song

Loyalty and courage shines from my eyes
I am spirit of the wild that never dies
I am brother wolf, asehi ... I am he
I will always run the winds free ...

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